
Major events of the Industrial Revolution

  • Bessemer proces

    Bessemer proces
    It is a process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron. it is named aftet Henry Bessemer, who took out a patented it in 1855.
  • Euginr vs. Debs

    Euginr vs. Debs
    A political activist that was against america’s involvement in world war II and arranged strikes other strikes.
  • The first oil well

    The first oil well
    Edwin drake creates the first oil well along the banks of oil creekin Pennsylvania.
  • Transcontinental Rairoad Compleated

    Transcontinental Rairoad Compleated
    Anetwork of railroad track that crosses a land mass with terminals at different oceans or continental borders.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    He established Standard Oil. He Found the standard oil company in 1870.In his time he was the World’s wealthiest men and a major philanthropist.
  • The Crédit Mobilier Scandal

    The Crédit Mobilier Scandal
    The Crédit Mobilier scandal of 1872-1873 damaged the careers of politicians major stockholders.The Union Pacific Railroad formed the Crédit Mobilier of America, and gave it contracts to build the railroad. They sold or gave shares in this construction to congressmen.
  • Mother Jones

    Mother Jones
    She founded the Social Democratic Party on may 27,1875 and helped establish the Industrial Workers of the World.
  • The First Telephone

    The First Telephone
    The first telephone was invented on March 10, 1876 by a genius man named Alexander Graham Bell.
  • Edison's phonograph

    Edison's phonograph
    When talking into the reciever the meedle makes indentations on a tinfoil wraapped drum. This was very important becasue it allowed popular music to be on demand
  • Hay Market Riot

    Hay Market Riot
    It was a riot that started after someone threw a bomb at the police. This was viewed as a setback for the organized labor movement in America, which was fighting for rights like the 8 hour workday
  • The Interstate Commerce Act

    The Interstate Commerce Act
    This act required that rilroads charge fair rates to customers and publisize them.
  • Sherman Antirust Act

    Sherman Antirust Act
    The first United States Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies. It is an antitrust law.
  • Tesla's Alternating Current

    Tesla's Alternating Current
    Allowed safe, easy transport of electricity over long distances unlike with direct current.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike, also known as the Homestead Steel Strike, was an industrial lockout and strike that started on June 30, 1892.
  • The Pullman Strike of 1894

    The Pullman Strike of 1894
    The first national strike in United States history.
    The entire rail labor force of the nation would walk away from their jobs. Many belonged to the American Railroad Union founded by Eugene V. Debs.
  • J.P Morgan

    J.P Morgan
    financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations.
    In 1895, their firm was reorganized as J.P. Morgan & Company, a predecessor of the modern JPMorgan Chase.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    The Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight on December 7, 1903.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Founded the Ford company on June 16, 1903. He was an American industrialist who also sponsored of the development of assembly line mass production.
  • The QWERTY Keyboard

    The QWERTY Keyboard
    The crrent QWERTY keyboard was invented in 1980 by Christopher Sholes