

  • Period: 33 to 330

    Early Church Era

  • 250

    The Church's Schism

    The Church's Schism
    the Emperor Decius did a Empire-wide persecution causing thousands to fall away
  • 325

    The Council of Nicea

    The Council of Nicea
    the council declared that the Trinity is doctrine
  • Period: 330 to 500

    Christian Empire

  • 381

    The Nicene Creed

    The Nicene Creed
    the Nicene Creed the longer version of the apostle creed
  • 390

    Church-state relations

    Church-state relations
    the emperor Theodosius kills thousands in Thessalonica and refuses communion
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Middle Ages

  • 590

    the first pope

    the first pope
    Gregory the great was the first medieval pope
  • 732

    the battle of tours

    the battle of tours
    Charles Martel , a Frankish general, stops an unstoppable Muslim invasion
  • 1054

    east- west schism

    east- west schism
    the Greek and Latin language split permanently
  • 1095

    the Crusades

    the Crusades
    the first crusade really damaged the relations with Christians and others
  • 1378

    The papal schism

    The papal schism
    when there are 3 pope at the same time the Roman Catholic Church loses power
  • 1453

    the fall of Constantinople

    the fall of Constantinople
    when Constantinople falls to the turks it ends a millennium of Christianity in the Byzantine empire