Taylor Bellamy-EDG 6301 Cultural Roots

  • Premature Birth

    Premature Birth
    Birth is one of the most beautiful things anyone can encounter. My birth was no different, as I was born a tiny three pounds and five ounces. The significance of my birth is it not only gave me life but a true appreciation for life and everything in it. It helped me understand that life can be very short for many people even before they have a chance to see sunlight. My birth signifies the fragile yet loving nature of life itself. This is a photo of me at my birth.
  • Divorce

    At the age of four, my parents officially divorced due to my father's infidelity. This moment is very important because it changed my views on love, trust, family, betrayal, and responsibility. My parent's separation caused me to mentally block my emotions as I was still a developing young child. Watching my mother have to take of us and deal with her own relationship help me value her sacrifice and the love she showed us even when times were hard. This photo displays my parents.
  • Met my friend Casey

    Met my friend Casey
    In kindergarten, I met my friend Casey who has autism. She would often yell and scream when she was confused or upset. Many students and faculty looked down at Casey because of her behavior. When she would get upset asking her questions about her brothers would calm her down. This moment changed the way I view people's differences. It taught me that just because someone acts different or looks different does not mean they do not deserve respect, love, and understanding. This is our class photo.
  • Played a Lead Role

    Played a Lead Role
    I played a lead role in my fourth-grade play. This play was performed in front of my entire elementary and my mother. I was praised for my hard work and got a standing ovation. At this age, this moment was very significant for me because it validated that hard work pays off. I learned and understood that in order to be successful at anything you must put forth the effort to achieve your goal. The feeling of success was my greatest reward and life lesson.
  • Summers in NC

    Summers in NC
    Every summer since I have been an infant I have spent my summer vacations with my maternal grandparents in the deep south of North Carolina. This event is very significant in my life as my grandparents are the first healthy relationship I witnessed as a child. Being around them was the best feeling for me. They showed me how to love unconditionally and that family is the most important thing in this lifetime as they were all raised in large families and worked together to survive.
  • Lost my first family member

    Lost my first family member
    I lost my cousin Janee' who was sixteen years old and died instantly in a car accident. This event changed my perception of life at an early age. I did not know how to process death or the feelings involved with saying goodbye to someone too soon. People from my entire high school showed love and support with gifts and kind words. This made me understand that even though death can be crippling, those who love you will always be there to build you up. This photo shows me and my cousins.
  • Growing up in a low income neighborhood.

    Growing up in a low income neighborhood.
    Throughout my life, I grew up in a rough part of town. I witnessed a lot of crime, murders, and gang-related crimes. These events in my life are extremely significant as it taught me how to do the right thing even when things are hard. I watched people tear their families apart because of a bad decision. This showed me that life is precious and if all else fails, do what is right because eventually, it will catch up to you. This is a photo of the old house that I grew up in.
  • First Heart Break

    First Heart Break
    When I attended high school my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. This moment was devastating to me. It was the first time I experienced first-hand betrayal. My attitude toward love at this time was very negative and cold. I did not want to trust anyone because I feared I would be hurt again. This event taught me to put myself first in some instances and to pay more attention to people as they aren't as innocent as they may seem. This is a photo of my high school.
  • Joined The History Club

    Joined The History Club
    In my undergraduate journey, I discovered a club that promoted black history (the origin, its relevance today, and our position within black history). The History Club helped me to understand my past and helped me understand why the sacrifice and bloodshed of my ancestors are so significant in my life. It gave me a reason to want to do better for myself. Their story helped me appreciate what I have in this life and understand that everything I want is obtainable no matter what the circumstances.
  • Finding Love

    Finding Love
    About two years ago I met the love of my life. Meeting him made me realize that I cannot hold someone accountable for my past experiences. I learned that in order to let go I must forgive and appreciate the good in people. I was able to trust and be vulnerable to the possibilities without being overprotective and scared of loss. This is a photo of me and my boyfriend.