Eddie Koiki Mabo

  • Exiled from Murray Island

    Exiled from Murray Island
    Murray Island Courts found him guilty of drinking alcohol resulting in him being exiled for a year.
  • Birth

    Eddie Mabo was born on June 29th 1936, on Murray Island in Torres Strait. Sadly his mother passed away five days after birth and was adopted by his Uncle. His surname changed from Sambo to Mabo due to Islander customs.
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    Eddie Mabo' Life

    Born: 29 June 1936, Murray Island, Torres Strait Islands
    Death: 21 January 1992, Queensland, Brisbane. Due to lung cancer.
  • Moved to Queensland

    Moved to Queensland
    Eddie Mabo left Murray Island and moved to Townsville in Queensland. He held a variety of jobs such as working on fishing vessels then on a sugar cane field.
  • Marriage

    Eddie Mabo married Bonita Nehow a South Sea Islander. They married in the Methodist Church at Ingham in North Queensland
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    Community Service and Activism

    Mabo participated in community service. Such as being involved in Trade Union Politics, Indigenous Australian rights and services, and public events
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    Indigenous Australian rights and services

    He became involved in Indigenous Australian rights and services from which he was a secretary of the Aborigines Advancement League for Queensland between 1962-1969.
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    Trades and Labour Council

    Worked for Townsville Harbour Board thus leading him up to be the Islander Representative for the Trades and Labour Council
  • Referendum Campaign

    Referendum Campaign
    Became and activist for the 1967 Referendum Campaign
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    James Cook University

    Employed as a gardener at the James Cook University in Townsville. Became friends with academic staff and used the library to research non-aboriginal views of his land and culture. He studied Haddon’s six-volume Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits.
  • All black council

    Eddie Mabo became the president in the all-black council for the Rights of Indigenous People.
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    Commonwealth Employment Service

    Was employed as the assistant vocational officer
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    Black Community School

    Set up the Black Community School in Townsville as Eddie Mabo was concerned that Indigenous children were losing touch with their roots and culture. He was the director of the school while is lasted.
  • Realised he didn't own his land

    With a conversation with Henry Reynolds and James Cook University Historians, came to the realisation that the Indigenous Australians on Murray Island were not the inherited owners of the island. Which shocked Eddie Mabo.
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    Australia Council for the Arts

    Was a member of the Australia Council for the Arts because as he was a talented performer for the Torres Strait Islander music and dance.
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    National Aboriginal Education Commitee

    The all black school led to Eddie Mabo participating in the Nation Aboriginal Education Committee
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    Yumba Meta Housing Association Ltd

    Was the president of the Yumba Meta Housing Association Ltd. The association provided houses in Townsville for Indigenous Australians
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    Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Education Advisory Committee (1978–79)

  • JCU Conference

    JCU Conference
    Eddie Mabo joined forces with the James Cook University Students and held a conference called the "Land Rights and the Future of Australian Race Relations". The conference attracted lawyers. In the end it was suggested to Mabo that he should take his case of Murray Islander's owning their land to the High Courts of Australia.
  • Land Rights Case

    Land Rights Case
    Eddie Mabo plans to challenge his land rights case to the High Courts along with Mabo, Sam Passi, David Passi, Celuia Mapo Salee, and James Rice. At the time Queensland introduced legalisation which stopped Indigenous Australians having a title to their land.
  • Mabo Judgement no 1

    Mabo Judgement no 1
    The High Court ruled in Mabo v Qld (No.1) that the Queensland Coast Islands Declaratory Act 1985 (Qld) was incompatible with the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth).
  • Passed Away

    Passed Away
    Eddie Mabos passes away due to lung cancer.
  • Terra Nullius

    Terra Nullius
    The High Court overturned the legal doctrine of terra nullius 'land belonging to nothing, no one' delivering a verdict in favour of the Murray Islanders in Mabo v Qld (No. 2).
  • Human Rights Medal

    Human Rights Medal
    Eddie Mabo was awarded the Australia Human Rights Medal.
  • Australian of the Year

    Australian of the Year
    Was recognised as the Australian of The Year for 1992.
  • Eddie Mabo Library

    Eddie Mabo Library
    TCU Library, Townsville, is officially named the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library.