If interventions (attempts by the general education teacher to improve student learning) prove unsuccessful, a referral for special education may be considered. This referral can come from the general education teacher, special education teachers, counselors, administrators, parents/guardians or any other person involved in the education or care of the child. The referral begins the formal process of determining eligibility for special education services. -
Permission to Evaluate
Once a referral is provided, the school must obtain consent from the parent/guardian to begin the evaluation phase of the referral process. The school has 45 days according to Utah state law (60 days according to federal law) to organize and perform the testing necessary to determine whether the student would benefit from special education services. -
The evaluation is conducted by a team that will consist of individuals who can bring different perspectives and expertise to the evaluation. Some examples of team members include: a school psychologist, special education teachers, general education teachers, parents/guardians, occupational, physical, and speech therapists and/or medical doctors. -
Students are evaluated by intelligence, achievement, behavior, and medical issues. Informal observations and documentation of the student’s past work should also be used during the eligibility determination meetings. Assessments may not be biased in regard to race, culture, language, or disability. In accordance with Utah state law, the evaluation process must be completed within 45 days of official referral (this deadline varies from state to state).