Avatar Activity due
http://www.weeworld.com/ (Links to an external site.)
http://www.voki.com/ (Links to an external site.)
Create an Avatar or Voki and post the link. Be ready to share this with the class and why you chose to create your Avatar the way you did. -
Week One Discussion
Read and reflect on article Digital Natives
Digital_Natives_Digital_Immigrants.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window Engage me or Enrage me
Engage_me_or_enrage_me.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window -
Period: to
Fall Quarter
Timeline for the fall quarter of 2016 highlighting dates and times for which assignments are due. -
Interview Paper due
Choose a family member, friend or colleague and interview them. Ask them about their experiences with technology as they were growing up in their educational environment. Have them share how they use technology in their daily routine for work and personally. Summarize the responses and submit a 2-page paper. The paper needs to be double-spaced, full name in the header and attention should be paid to grammar and syntax. -
Week 2 discussion
Please read and reflect on the two articles by Thornburg. -
Week 3 Discussion due
Please read and reflect on the article by Gee. -
Web Evaluations due
Find 5 websites to evaluate using any of the tools shared during class. Name the tool you are using for evaluation. Examples include:
http://www.schrockguide.net/uploads/3/9/2/2/392267/5ws.pdf (Links to an external site.)
For the assignment you need to provide the url for each website you choose and write a brief description addressing each of the evaluation criteria in the tool you have used. -
Week 4 discussion due
Emerging Technologies
In your assigned groups, explore the emerging technology for your group. Prepare a 10 minute presentation on the technology, how it can be used, pros and cons and how it fits into an educational setting. Each group member must participate. -
Week 5 discussion
Emerging Technologies- Summary of Presentations
Grant Proposal(NEW)
Work in groups of 5.
Use the following document as your guide to writing the grant.
ED+131+Grant+Application-1.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window
One person from the group submits the assignment. -
Personal Presentations
Week 6 Discussion Due
Grant Review
Week 7 Discussion due
Google Forms
Course Reflection
Final Presentation
Field Work Log
Use the following Field Work log to show your times and responsibilities during your field work hours.
Have your Field Work Supervisor sign off the front page.
The log has to be submitted online. You can either scan or take a photograph of the pages and upload them into this assignment.
Fieldwork Log .docPreview the documentView in a new window -
Final Project Lesson Plan
Field Work Reflection
Write a one-page single-spaced summary describing your field work experience. Make sure your reflections include reference to the articles assigned in class.