Technology in Education

  • I-Pad

    Apple releases the I-Pad. Ushering in a new age of technology that plays a pivotal role in bringing digital media to schools.
  • Google's Chromebook is Introduced

    Google's Chromebook is Introduced
    As a less expensive option to the I-Pad, Google's Chrome book offers students the ability to bring "Google Class Room" to their fingertips. Many schools adopted the Chromebook as the standard device for their students
  • FCC Releases the "Digital Playbook"

    FCC Releases the "Digital Playbook"
    The Digital Textbook Playbook  is released by the FCC as a guide to help K-12 educators and administrators advance the conversation towards building a rich digital learning experience.
  • McGraw Hill Launches "Smart Book"

    McGraw Hill Launches "Smart Book"
    McGraw Hill SmartBook™, the worlds first adaptive e-book is launched.
  • The Digital Divide

    The Digital Divide
    "Early Education Plays Role in Bridging the Digital Divide" is released by RAND.“ The report details the importance of early childhood education and the value of technology literacy — the ability
    to use computer-based devices, software, and networks — at an early age.
  • Reduced Cost for Digital Learners

    Reduced Cost for Digital Learners
    McGraw Hill begins offering digital materials via Inclusive Access, a course material affordability program that delivers digital learning resources
    to college students at a significantly reduced cost.
  • Pokemon-Go

    With the popularity of the augmented reality game "Pokemon-Go" the country sees a resurgence in increased interest in augmented reality. Classrooms start implementing the technology into their curriculum.
  • NETP

    The National Education Technology Plan received a major update. This plan had a national vision for learning enabled by technology. It is a call to action, vision for learning enabled through technology and a collection of recommendations & real world examples.
  • The Rise of AI

    The Rise of AI
    In 2018 the use of AI was being used across many industries. Educators began using the software to help grade, and students began using it to get an advantage in school.
  • 5G

    5G Networks begin to sprout up across the nation. The higher bandwidth and lower latency of 5G enable the use of advanced technological tools in education, such as augmented reality and virtual reality. The 5G technology also aids online students.
  • Virtual Meetings

    Virtual Meetings
    Zoom and Microsoft Teams allow students to interact with teachers and fellow students during the pandemic and beyond.