

  • Video Games

    Video Games
    Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr. and Estle Ray Mann filed a United States patent request for an invention they described as a "cathode ray tube amusement device"
  • Cassette

    Cassette Philips introduced a prototype of Compact Cassettes in Europe.
  • VHS

    JVC engineers Yuma Shiraishi and Shizuo Takano led the effort in developing the VHS tape format
  • Wireless Internet

    Wireless Internet
    WiFi It is interesting to know that wireless connection existed before actual internet connection.
  • VCR

    The first VCR to use VHS was the Victor HR-3300, and was introduced by the president of JVC at the Okura Hotel on this date.
  • Laptops

    The Laptop was Designed by a Briton, William Moggridge, for Grid Systems Corporation.
  • Remote Control

    Remote Control
    Television was firts on sale on the 1920's but the remote control was 60 years later,
  • Internet

    Internet This has being one of the best inventions ever. (I believe)
  • Mobil Phones

    Mobil Phones
    Cell Phones I believe that is one of the best ways to shorten distances.
  • mp3

  • GPS

    On that date, the U.S. Air Force launched the 24th Navstar satellite into orbit, completing a network of 24 satellites known as the Global Positioning System, or GPS. With a GPS receiver that costs less than a few hundred dollars you can instantly learn your location on the planet--your latitude, longitude, and even altitude--to within a few hundred feet
  • DVD

    DVDThe first DVD players and discs were available in November 1996 in Japan, March 1997 in the United States, 1998 in Europe and in 1999 in Australia. By 2003 DVD sales and rentals topped those of VHS
  • Blue-Ray

    Blue-Ray Blu-ray discs are used for storing high-definition video and data, and its the highest technology to watch a movie at home.
  • AbioCor

    Artificial heart implant
  • Segway

  • Braille Glove

    Braille Glove
    Braille Glove A device that translates sign language into text.
  • You Tube

    You Tube
    YouTube is an online video sharing and viewing community - was invented by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim.
  • Flat Flexible Speaker

    Flat Flexible Speaker
    Flat Flexible Speaker It is an extremely lightweight invention and the good thing a bout it is that this latest technological invention does not require huge investments.
  • Wonder tent

    Wonder tent
    Wonder Tent This “wonder tent” has also an integrated geolocation technology, which is very useful in the situations when the campers loose the tent. They can send a SMS to their tent and tell him to glow more, so it becomes more visible and easily to find.
  • TX Active

    TX Active
    TX Active
    TX Active is a self-cleaning and pollution-mitigating cement developed by the Italian company, Italcementi that can reduce pollution (nitric oxides) by up to 60%.