economy of the United States

  • Jamestown Founded

    First british colony settled
  • mercaantilism created

    The ecomomical system of mercantlis is set in motion with the first colony
  • Rolfe prefects tabcco in virginia

  • first slaves arrive in new world

  • first navigation laws passed

  • board of trade begins too governs colones

  • royal african company monoploy ended

  • sugar act

  • quartering act, stamp act, and stamp act congress enacted

  • declaratory act

  • townshend act

  • boston tea party

  • Treaty of paris

    recognized american independence
  • First bank of US

  • Panic of 1819

    First major ecomnomical crisis
  • First railroad in the US contructed

  • california gold rush

  • Financial crisis of 1857

    First major worldwide economical crisis
  • National Labor Union formed

  • Gilded age starts

  • Standard oil company formed

  • Interstate commerce act

  • Dingley tariff

  • Gold standard act

    Gold is the only other way paper money can be redeemded
  • Department of labor formed

  • World War 1 starts

  • WW1 ends

  • Roaring twenties age begins

    Mass consumption, buying on credit, lavish lifestyles
  • Stock market crash and start of great depression

  • FDR's New Deal goes into action

  • World War 2 starts

  • US enters WW2 & end of great depression

    With the entrence into WW2, US industries were stimluated by wartime production, reviving the ecnomy and thus ending the great depression
  • Taft hartley act

  • Arab-Isreal war & Arab oil embargo

  • Regan is elected

  • Reganomics put in place

    tax cuts, military spending etc.
  • Recession hits 'Murica