
Economy From 2007 to Present Group 6

  • House Market Crash

    House Market Crash
    The Housing market peaked in 2006, which caused for a housing bubble. The market started to decline in the following years, causing a housing market crash. The crash largely affected the economy. Result, Budget
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    On September 29th the Dow dropped 777.68 points. The crash of the stock market had been building up for quite some time, the tipping point came when Congress chose not to pass the bank bailout bill. This was the largest stock market crash since the great depression, but instead of taking three years for the market to crash the Stock Market Crash of 2008 only took 18 months. Result, Budget
  • TARP Signed Into Law

    TARP Signed Into Law
    TARP is a stimulus package. It was signed into law by George W. Bush. It was made to purchase toxic assets and equity in order to strengthen its financial sector. Fiscal, Budget
  • American Recovery Act

    American Recovery Act
    President Obama signed this act to help push the government in the right direction and help save millions of people their jobs. Vice President Joe Biden to advise the whole project along with cabinet members, national governors and mayors to make sure the act was done efficiently and would be effective. Result, Savings
  • Obamacare

    Obamacare, also know as the Affordable care Act, was put into place to make sure that every single person would have access to affordable health care. The new law now requires every single person to have some sort of health insurance by the year 2014. Obamacare didn’t change the way you could get your insurance it just added a new way for people to buy healthcare insurance.\ Fiscal, Savings
  • Financial Regulations Bill

    Financial Regulations Bill
    The Financial Regulations bill is focused on eliminating regulatory failures that brought the economy to the brink of failure in previous years. It was aimed at preventing risky behaviors. Fiscal, Budget