What I Know

  • How the Progressive Era changed problems of industrialization in America

    How the Progressive Era changed problems of industrialization in America
    It changed the nation's economic, political and social sectors.
  • Negatives in the Gilded Age

    Negatives in the Gilded Age
    There were major disputes over currency and tariffs. Urban society was dominated by industrial corparations.
  • Positives of the Gilded Age

    Positives of the Gilded Age
    The government helped farmers repay loans. Also, we were advancing in technology.
  • Positive impact of globalization

    Positive impact of globalization
    new industries rise and more jobs in developing countries.
  • Negative impacts of globalization

    Negative impacts of globalization
    Globalization will force poorer countries to do whatever bigger countries tell them to do. Also, the poorer countries will get paid less and work in poor conditions.
  • How America's economy changed after "Black Tuesday"

    How America's economy changed after "Black Tuesday"
    The stock market crashed and began the 12 year Great Depression. In the Great Depression, there was 25% unemployment and 10,000 banks failed.
  • Positives of traditional economy in America

    Positives of traditional economy in America
    Less destructive to the enviroment and distribution of resorces are usally well known.
  • Negatives of traditional economy in America

    Negatives of traditional economy in America
    Limits population growth, people starve and command economies could wage war or take natural resorces.