Dow Jones
[article 1](http:// http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/18/economic-crisis-timeline-_n_397360.html)Between October 9, 2007 and March 6, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 50%. This was the worst decline since the Great Depression, when the Dow fell 80%. It occurred in only 17 months, meaning the drop was not as severe as the Great Depression but it happened quicker. This is a result because it was not a direct decision by the president or the FED’s. The deficit category would be balance because it involves stocks. -
article 2AIG, the world's largest insurance company, announced it was bankrupt. The United States took over AIG with a 85 Billion dollar bailout. Central banks were injecting cash as their credit was drying up. This would be a monetary policy because the banks were dealing with it. The deficit would be saving because the banks were trying to save the company by giving them the cash they could. -
atricle 3Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke asked Congress for the largest bailout package since the Great Depression. The bailout was about 700 Billion dollars. The bailout is now referred to as the TARP Program. This would be fiscal because it involves congress. The deficit would be Saving because they are trying to save the company with bailout money. -
Stimulus Package
atricle 4The $757 billion economic stimulus package is signed into law. This was created to reinvigorate the economy and prevent or reverse a recession by boosting employment and spending. It also was made to provide temporary relief programs for those most affected by the recession and invest in infrastructure, education, health, and renewable energy. This would be a fiscal policy because it was done by congress. The deficit would be budget because they are using the money that they set aside for a spec -
Poverty Rate
article 5The US poverty rate jumped to 14.3%, which was the highest level since 1994. In America 43.6 million people were under the poverty line, which was the highest number in 51 years according to the census bureau. This would be a result of monetary and fiscal issues. The deficit category would be budget because the government budget the amount of relief they give to people in need. -
Governemnt Shoutdown
article 6The government shutdown was due to arguments within congress.The Republican-led House votes to keep government funded through Dec. 15, but only if the president agrees to defund the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Ted Cruz did a 21 hour filibuster against Obamacare. It was a fight over what to do mostly between the democrats and republicans. This would be fiscal because it deals with congress. The deficit category would be budget because they are trying to decide where to spend the government's money.