ECI 416 History of IDEA timeline

  • Supreme Court Ruling for Brown v. Board of Education

    In this case, the supreme court ruled that separating children from the majority would not allow them to get a fair and equal education. The ruling was based on racial segregation, but it set an important precedent for future cases related to special education.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act is passed

    This act signifies some major changes in education to offer aid for students and their families. The act was geared towards helping low-income schools and families. However, the act did suggest that low-income schools should have additional teachers. This suggests that additional staff can be beneficial to students and schools.
  • The U.S. Puts a Man on the Moon

    Signifying a major feat for aerospace technology and the U.S.A's competitive nature, the Apollo 11 mission is successful. Men set foot on the moon. The Apollo 11 mission was often used to exemplify America's accomplishments in education. This is more than 6 years before the Education for All Handicapped Children Act is signed into law.
  • Congress Uncovers More Accurate Numbers of Underserved Students with Disabilities

    In 1972, congress investigated to try and get a more accurate idea of how many children with special education needs weren't getting a quality education. The Bureau of Education for the Handicapped found that over half of these students were being underserved, and many of them were not attending school at all.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act is passed

    This act included more progressive and specific legislation to advocate for the needs of disabled students in schools.The act specified that evaluations to determine a student's eligibility for special education should be non-discriminatory. The act recognized several terms and ideas that are prevalent today. Ex: Least Restrictive Environment, Individualized Education Program, and Free Appropriate Public Education. It also stipulated that families should have due process to resolve conflicts.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children becomes the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

    In 1990, the Education of Handicapped Children Act was re-named to become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This amendment also extended special education services. Traumatic brain injury and autism were added to the list of recognized disability categories.
  • George W. Bush is Inaugurated as President of the United States of America

    President George W. Bush's presidency marks some drastic and important changes for our society, such as 9/11, the Iraq War, and the beginning of the recession in 2007. President Bush's presidency also saw important changes for education, such as the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002. Turbulent times for the U.S. Government also affected education and its stakeholders.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act is signed into law

    The No Child Left Behind Act called for higher qualified teachers and it increased the accountability for schools in regards to student success. The act had some negative effects. Schools who "underperformed" were faced with reductions in funding and resources. Despite the proposed intent to increase accountability for educators, this act is often cited as a reason for a widening gap in educational opportunities.
  • The Black Eyed Peas Release their 2003 album, Elephunk

    This album included a song infamously titled "Let's Get Retarded". While the title and lyrics of the song were met with widespread controversy, the release of the song is representative of the insensitive nature of pop culture during that era.
  • The Black Eyed Peas release "Let's Get It Started"

    A year after its original release date, The Black Eyed Peas released a revised version of their original controversial track. The title and many of the lyrics had been changed, but the catchy beat and tune remained. The public relations efforts to minimize the negative effects of the original lyrics were mostly successful, and "Let's Get It Started" won a grammy, and remains a recognized hit from the early 2000s.
  • Congress Amends IDEA Again

    This amendment to IDEA expanded the original purpose of the act. This amendment raises standards for teachers and calls for early intervention for students with special education needs. Overall, this amendment was more inclusive and asserted that students with special needs should be receiving a challenging and quality education.
  • Claire Turnbull begins Pre-School

    August of 2005 marks my first year in a public school setting. In the following years, I would not be exposed to many inclusive classroom settings. However, my pre-school classroom did include two students with disabilities. The start of my public school education was my introduction to the social and educational expectations of a classroom.
  • Supreme Court Issues Ruling in Endrew v. Douglas County School District

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that children with disabilities should receive an education that maximizes their educational potential and offers quality instruction. Before this ruling, courts had ruled that the school was only required to offer minimal educational benefits to Endrew. F.