John Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
John was considered the "Father of Modern Education" and was the first to recognize that the play of childhood was learning. He believed that everything should be taught through the senses. He thought sensory education forms the basis for all learning. John Amos Comenius released the first children's picture book called "The World Illustrated". -
NAEYC was founded
The National Association for the Education of Young Children is now well over 100,000 memebers and 400 afflilates. It is a non-profit organization of Early Childhood professionals and others who dedicate to improve quality in Early Childhood Education. It has a vision of excellence in ECE that focuses on supporting the rights and needs of children. -
Launch of Sputnik
World's first satellite lanched by Soviet Union. Congress passed the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) of 1958. Their idea was that the best defense is a good offense. (Education). NDEA provided federal funding for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Foriegn Language. (STEM) This was considered by many to be the beginning of federal standards in education. -
Economic Opportunity Act (EOA)
This was implemented as a social program to promote health, education, and general welfare for the people with low socio-ecomonmic status. It was designed to put those people to work. -
HeadStart Act
This Act was funded by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. It was one of the longest-running programs to address systemic poverty in the U.S. It was designed to provide comprehensive services for children and families that would help them in school and life. -
Even Start Literacy Program
The Department of Education established a parent education literacy program that assists children in reaching their full potential as learners and helps parents become partners in education their children. This program offers grants to support local family lieteracy projects that integrate childhood education, parenting education, adult literacy and interactive parent and child literacy activites for low income familes. -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
This emphasises accountability through testings. All 50 states have standards that specify what children should know and do. This act provides federal funding for schools that accure high test scores and meet the yearly progress standards. -
Preschool for all initiative
President Obama called on congress to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America. It is extending and expanding evidence based, voluntary home visiting. It will also improve quality and expand access to preschool. The funds will support states to ensure children are enrolled in high quality programs.