East Asia

  • 2200 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    Xia Dynasty
    Took over control of the Yellow River, which speaks the importance of agriculture and work to sustain life in china. including trade
  • 1766 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    Rose through the use of more advanced technology, as well as using a portion of the agriculture to support the military
  • 1122 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    Challenged the Shang rule and won over the western parts. Rules most of China for nearly 1000 years until 256 BCE
  • 1046 BCE

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    The justification of the Zhou Dynasty taking over the Shange Dynasty. "Gods have blessed their dynasty"
  • 600 BCE


    A school of thought that emerged from the Warring States period. Daoism was the opposite of Confucianism. Rather than being adapt to society. Daoist thought reflection and introspection was the key to the universe.
  • 551 BCE

    Birth of Confucius

    Birth of Confucius
    One of the most important Chinese philosophers. He was born as Kong Fuzi into an Aristocratic family. Even though he was stubborn in nature, his teachings of politics, ethics and, morals we're used to educate rulers on good use of power
  • 475 BCE

    Beginning of the Period of the Warring States

    Beginning of the Period of the Warring States
    The beginning of 200 years of chaos in China. However, was the foundation of a powerful empire
  • Period: 475 BCE to 221 BCE

    Period of the Warring States

    Chaos but with the chaos brought an important cultural following which granted the most important institutions. This made cultural unity very important to China
  • 221 BCE


    The third school of thought. Legalism focused solely on the needs of the state. This school of thought was created by a group of men, with the most significant being Shang Yang. Who was despised because of how aggressive he was. Han Feizi was another legalist thinker, who wrote essays on statecraft.
  • 102 BCE

    The Silk Road

    The Silk Road
    Emperor Han Wudi developed and opened the Silk Road when missions returned to china bringing highly valuable goods and intelligence. Via the silk road, religious influence, and goods were spread. Diseases also spread, however.
  • 184

    Fall of the Han Dynasty

    Fall of the Han Dynasty
    With widespread unrest, heavy taxes, the yellow turban rebellion, and spreading epidemics the Han Emperor was no more than a figure after the Dynasty split and divided into 3 kingdoms, during this same time the number of nomadic people coming to china increased.