East asia

East Asia

  • 100

    21Cen. BCE Xia Dynasty

    21Cen. BCE Xia Dynasty
    The Xia dynasty began. It is the first solid civilization in east Asia. It was the beginnings of the Chinese dynastic cycle. Many of the surrounding areas had nomadic groups.
  • 202

    202 BCE Han Dynasty

    202 BCE Han Dynasty
    The beginning of Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was the Chinese Golden Age. During the Golden Age there were many important new inventions and the civilization prospered. The trade in the area was extremely abundant
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    206 BCE Tribute System

    206 BCE Tribute System
    The Tribute System is started. The Tribute system made it so that civilizations near China had to pay tribute for the protection of the Chinese army. It was started by Emperor Han Wuddi(r.141-87BCE). It ended in 907.
  • 221

    403-221 BCE Warring States

    403-221 BCE Warring States
    The whole civilization was characterized during this period by the small states and areas constantly warring with each other until 221 when the Qin state was able to conquer the other seven. This era hurt the Chinese economy because they were unable to trade effectively in the war times. In the nearby areas such as Korea and Japan small civilizations were beginning to form.
  • 550

    6th Cen. BCE Laozi, Confucius, and Buddha

    It is during this Century that the lives of Laozi, Confucius, and Buddha occurred. They brought in many of the ideas that changed and influenced the culture and path of China. They were necessary for the people and community to have a common identity.
  • Jun 15, 1206

    Mongols Invd. Asia and Europe

    Mongols Invd. Asia and Europe
    Genghis Khan was a Great Military leader with an impressive military force that was nearly unstoppable. Once they captured China, since they had been warring for many years, the mongols treated the Chinese as second class Citizens, unlike in the other areas they conquered where the native people were treated with respect.
  • Feb 26, 1271

    1271-1295 Marco Polo's Travels

    1271-1295 Marco Polo's Travels
    His travels and documents give us useful information on the way europeans in China were treated, travel conditions for traders, and life in the higher classes in China. His writings, through bias, also teach us about how many upper class Europeans saw themselves, and their civilizations.
    Marco Polo Facts and Biography
  • Feb 26, 1405

    1405-1423 Zheng He's 7 Voyages

    1405-1423 Zheng He's 7 Voyages
    The fact that these voyages were made attest to the wealth and technological power of china during the time they were made. The primary goal of the voyages was to find and establish trade and trade routes in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They were monumental in the ideas and culture they spread and the trade routes they opened.
    Map of Zheng He's Voyages
  • End of the Qing Dynasty

    End of the Qing Dynasty
    This was the end of the Qing Dynasty, and with it came many changes and the end of many chinese old ideals. Its end meant the beginning of reform for China. This was when China started to industrialize.
    Rebellion and Change at the end of Qing Reign
  • Thesis

    East Asia throughout history has been a powerful, strong area, the strongest civilization in the area being China. China, through the mandate of heaven, was key in many of the society changing events in the area.
  • 845 CE Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism Banned

    845 CE Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism Banned
    Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism were banned By Emperor Wuzong. As a result China lost large amounts of trade and ended up dropping it from being a world power for nearly 300 years. Because of its seclusion, china was slow to industrialize and was almost completely taken over by European Countries. The neighboring countries such as Japan and Korea followed in their footsteps and almost lost any chance at becoming world powers.