Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus Lands in America
Jan 1, 1497
Sir Cabot Lands in Newfoundland
Period: Jan 1, 1534 to Jan 1, 1541
Cartier's Colony in Quebec
Jan 1, 1540
Coronado enters New Mexico
Jan 1, 1543
Ponce de Leon explores Florida
Period: Jan 1, 1543 to
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Period: Jan 1, 1547 to
Spanish Author Miguel de Cervantes
Period: Jan 1, 1569 to
Mogul Empire's founder Akbar's son, Jahangir
Jan 1, 1570
Rise of Kanem-Bornu as a major nation
Jan 1, 1575
Portuguese first settle in Angola
Period: Jan 1, 1577 to Jan 1, 1580
Francis Drake sails the world, raided Spanish galleons, and returned rich
Period: Jan 1, 1578 to
King Phillip III
Period: to
Walter Raleigh's colony in Roanoke
Period: to
Cardinal Richeleu
The English Guinea Company founded
Roughly around now, the Carribs and Arawaks have been wiped out due to settlers and their new ailments
Phillip III becomes king of Spain
English EITC formed
Mwenemutapa at its zenith
Carribean becomes battleground
Dutch EITC formed
King James crowned in England
Ieyasu founds Tokugawa Shogunate
Tokugawa Ieyasu retires, son Hidetada made Shogun
Jahangir's 23-year reign begins
Phillip III expells the Moriscos from Spain
Jamestown, Virginia Founded
Chaplain Establishes Quebec and New France
The English arrive in India
Dutch Tradepost Established
King James bible published
Period: to
Thirty Year's War
Period: to
Nur Jahan's, Jahangir's wife, reign
Beginning of Christian Persecution
Ferdinand II becomes Catholic King of Austria
The Mayflower Sails to America
Phillip III succeded by son, Phillip IV
Cardinal Richeleu appointed Chief Minister
Birth of Sumo Wrestling
King Charles I crowned in England
Dutch settle in New Amsterdam (New York)
Newest kingdon of Allada founded by Akaba
Massacre of the Huguenots by Richeleu in La Rochelle
Shah Jahan's reign begins
Around Now, More Puritans seek Refuge in America
By Now, The Hapsburgs have European Domination Foothold in most of Germany
Period: to
Captain Morgan
Portugese banned and expelled from Japan
Dutch drive Portuguese from the Gold Coast
Period: to
Shimabara Rebellion in Nagasaki
Japanese Christian Revolt
Mass uprising in Portugal ends union with France
Period: to
The English Civil War
Calavier Forces Crushed in the Battle of Nasby
Warring Between France and Spain ends
King Charles I executed
Dutch found base at Cape of Good Hope
Dutch East India Company founds Cape Town
Aurangzeb's 49-year reign begins
Around now, the Marathas are gaining strength
Rise of Bambara Kingdoms
France EITC formed
The Great Bubonic Plague
Phillip IV's four-year old son succeds him
The Great Fire of London (?)
The Hardships of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's Reformation
Founding of Dahomey from three kingdoms
Osei Tutu founds Ashanti Empire
England gains singular trade access to India
Military expansion of Ashanti by Osei Tutu
Edo (Tokyo) Destroyed in Tragic Fire/Earthquake
The Moguls' decline begins with the death of Auranzeb
Spain lost all of its possesions to Italy
The Reformer Yoshimune Rises to Power
Persians under Nadir Shah invade and sack Delhi
Period: to
Maratha takeover of India
Ruler of Bengal siezes British base in Calcutta
British sieze Pondecherry
By now, 9 million African slaves in America
Period: to
Revered Composer Felix Mendlssohn
India taken over by Britain, Queen Victoria named Empress