Hitler     nai

Early life of adolf

  • Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. He was the fourth of six children to Alois Hitler and Klara Pölzl.

  • hitlers family moves to Linz

    in 1898 hiler and his family moved to Linz. Where his father wanted him to do the civil war, but he wanted to
  • moving to linz

    in 1898, hitler and his parents move to linz where his dad wanted him to enter the Habsburg civil service but hitler didn't want to. After his dad died he thought about persueing his dream of being an artist
  • Hitlers father dies

    Hitlers father dies
  • mother breast cancer

    while hitlers mom was dying of breast cancer he was doing the entrance exam to move to vienna
  • hitler's mom dies

  • vienna

    hitler moved to vienna a few weeks after his mom died of breast cancer.Hitler lived in Vienna between February 1908 and May 1913.
  • hitler falt in ww1 as a soldier

  • the Nazi party began

  • In Germany, Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison for leading the Nazis' unsuccessful "Beer Hall Putsch" in the German state of Bavaria.

  • Eva Braun meets hitler

  • final eventb

    he became the chancler