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  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus, financed by Spain, makes the first of four voyages to the New World.

    Christopher Columbus, financed by Spain, makes the first of four voyages to the New World.
  • 1513

    Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León lands on the coast of Florida.

    Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León lands on the coast of Florida.
  • 1542

    Pacific Northwest claimed by Spain

    Pacific Northwest claimed by Spain
  • 1565

    Saint Augustine, Florida, settled by the Spanish, becomes the first permanent European colony in North America.

  • 1579

    The Washington coast sighted by Sir Francis Drake and claimed for England

    The Washington coast sighted by Sir Francis Drake and claimed for England
  • Discovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca claimed by Juan de Fuca

    Discovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca claimed by Juan de Fuca
  • The Virginia Company founds a colony at Jamestown

    The Virginia Company founds a colony at Jamestown
  • The first representative government in North America is created when the House of Burgesses meets. The first slaves arrive in Virginia

    The first representative government in North America is created when the House of Burgesses meets. The first slaves arrive in Virginia
  • The British capture New Netherland from the Dutch and rename it New York.

  • A Quaker named William Penn founds Pennsylvania