Leif Ericsson
He is a viking sailor that explored land west of Greenland. They established settlements there and ruins are still there in Canada. -
Prince Henry
He came from Portugal and sailed up and down the coast of Africa. He set up a school of navigation to teach other people how to sail and make maps. -
King John the second
In the 1480's Portugal's King John the second put new efforts into creating Portuguese a trading empire in Asia. -
Bartolomeu Dias
He came from Portugal and sailed to explore southern Africa. He discovered the Cape of Good Hope. -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus
He brought 90 sailors in 3 ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) and discovered America accidently. He came from Spain. -
Pope Alexander VI
In 1493 Pope Alexander bought a line of demarcation. Its a invisible line that stretches from the North Pole all the way to the South Pole. -
Vasco da Gama
He left Portugal for Africa with four ships. They took a bigger route around Africa to try to find a safer way. This helped him find a way all the way to India. -
John Cabot
England sent him to look for a northern route to Asia but he landed in newfoundland. -
Pedro Alvares Cabral
He left Portgual with 13 ships after da Gama came back. Instead of heading a little west before going south he went too far west and got to Brazil. Then he went on to India and brought back a lot of goods. -
Amerigo Vespucci
Led a voyage funded by Spain. He explored the coast of South America and realized it was a separate continent from Asia. It was called America in his honor. -
Juan Ponce De Leon
In 1513 Juan made a landing on present day Florida looking for gold and the fountain of youth but did not succeed. -
Hernan Cortezs
In 1519 found him self on present-day mexico, in two years he defeated the Aztec empire that had ruled the region. -
Ferdinand Magellan
Left Portugal and sailed to the southernmost tip of south america. He sailed through really stormy waters of a strait into a calm ocean. Since it was calm he named it the Pacific Ocean. -
Giovanni de Varrazano
In 1524, France hired him to look for routes different than Cabot's. He explored the coast of North America -
Jacques Cartier
In 1535 Jacques Cartier was sailing in a river looking for the pacific but instead he discovered a mountain peak and named it mount-royal. -
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
In 1540 Francisco was searching for the seven cities, his exploration took him through Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, and Kansas. -
Hernando De Soto
In 1541, Hernando was leading an expedition to Florida to trying to find gold but failed and gave up. -
Henry Hudson
In 1609 Henry Hudson was hired to look for a passage. He found a passage to India but turned around -
Louis Joliet
In the 1670's Louis Joliet was traveling the Mississippi river by canoe looking for metals when he found out it led to the pacific ocean. -
Jacques Marquette
In the 1670's Jacques Marquette was traveling the Mississippi river by canoe looking for metals when he found out it led to the pacific ocean so he turned around. -
Robert Caveliar De La Salle
In 1862 Robert Caveliar De La Salle traveled the Mississippi river to the gulf of mexico to clam land for France