First Typewriter Invented
The first typewriter is patented by William Austin Burt. It's slow and clumsy, but it's the first writing machine. -
The Invention of Binary Code
Lord Byron's daughter, Ada, suggests to Babbage that he use the binary system. She writes programs for his analytical engine, becoming the world's first programmer. -
Printing Calculator
Scheutz invents the first printing calculator. -
Magnetic Recording
Magnetic recording is invented -
High Speed Circuitry
Two American physicists, Eccles and Jordan, invent the flip-flop circuit which will be necessary for high-speed electronic calculating -
Electric Typewriter
IBM introduces the electric typewriter -
First Digital Computer
Zuse completes his Z3, the first program-controlled electromechanical digital computer. -
Operating computer at M.I.T
The Whirlwind computer begins operations at M.I.T -
Magnetic Memory
Jay Forester develops magnetic memory at M.I.T -
Very First Hard Drive
IBM builds the first hard drive. It contains fifty 24 inch disks and has a capacity of 5 MB and costs over US$1,000,000 -
First Disk Storage
IBM introduces RAMAC, a memory storage device based on rotating disks. It is the first hard disk storage. -
Second Gen. Computers
1959 marks the beginning of the second generation of computers. They use transistors instead than tubes. -
First Keyboard and Monitor
Ken Olsen, founder of DEC, introduces the PDP-1. The first computer with a keyboard and a monitor. It is priced at US$120,000 -
Very First Video Game
The first video game is developed by grad student, Steve Russell at MIT -
First ATM
The first ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) is installed. -
First Apple Computer
Two other young hacker geeks, Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniac build a computer in Steve's parents garage. They call it the Apple. -
First Sold Apple Computers
Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak design and build the first Apple computers, The Apple 1, in the Jobs' family garage. It's not much more than a circuit board in a wooden box, but they build and sell 200 of them through Paul Terrell's Byte Shop. The price was $666.66 -
First Version of a Laptop
Osborne introduces the first "portable" computer, the Osborne 1. It weighs 24 pounds and is the size of a suitcase. -
Very First Laptop
The first "laptop" computer, the TRS-80 Model 100. -
Macintosh is Launched and Shown in the Super Bowl Games
Apple launches the Macintosh with a spectacular presentation at the 1984 Super Bowl games. -
2000 Computer Crash Problem
The Year 2000 problem is first mentioned in print -
Explsion in Viruses.
There are now about 1000 known computer viruses. In 1988 there was 5. -
DVD disks come into play. -
Apple releases the iMac. -
First Xbox
Bill Gates introduces the Xbox on January 7th 2001. -
Present Time
Present Computers