Full development
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Week 1
During the first week of pregnancy, you are pregnant, but you are technically not pregnant. Nothing happens during the first week of pregnancy other than the sperm swimming through the cervix. -
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Week 2
Week 2 is when ovulation begins and the sperm and egg meet and conception takes place. -
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Week 3
Week 3 is the first week where a lot is taking place inside the mother. The sperm and egg join up in a fallopian tube to create a zygote in a process called fertilization. The zygote then moves down the fallopian tube, toward the uterus, as it starts dividing into a larger group of cells. At this point, the child already has all of the genetic material they need for life, and their gender has already been determined. -
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Week 4
Week four is usually when you miss your period and realize you are pregnant. During week 4 of pregnancy, the ball of cells is splitting into the embryo and placenta. The baby's neural tube, the building block of the spine, brain and backbone, has already formed. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming into protective cushioning for baby. -
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Week 5
During week 5, the baby's heart and circulatory system take shape, blood vessels are formed, and the heart begins to beat. The umbilical cord replaces the yolk sac, which works with the placenta to bring nutrition and oxygen to your baby and remove waste. -
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Week 6
At week 6, the baby is now an embryo and all of the nervous system and other major organs have been developed. This is when facial features, like the jaw, cheeks, nose, and eyes begin to develop. -
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Week 7
Week 7 is all about the development of physical features. The baby's face is now more defined, and the arms, shoulders, legs, and feet begin to take shape. The brain is becoming more complex as the skull is growing to protect it. Week 7 is when the baby's body begins to elongate and the neck straightens. -
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Week 8
Week 8 is another week of physical development. Tiny fingers and toes develop, arms and legs grow longer, and wrists, elbows, and ankles are visible. Their eyelids form, and the ears, upper lip, and tip of the nose become more defined.