Early Education: Milestones

  • Kindergarten

    Margarethe Schurz opens the first kindergarten within the United States.
  • Free Schooling

    The Butler School at Hampton Institute is opened for black children.
  • Dorothy Howard

    Dorothy Howard
    Establishes first black nursery school in Washington, DC
  • Perry Project

    directed by David Weikart, opened in Michigan, conducts study to measure the effects of preschool education
    on later school and life
  • Public Law 94-142

    The education for All Children with Disabilities, assuring free appropriate public special education and related services designed to meet their needs.
  • Developmental appropriate Practices

    NAEYC publishes a report outlining what it means by " quality" work with young children from infants through the age of eight.
  • Child Care Development Block Grant

    Child Care Development Block Grant
    Failed to be signed in 1989 but passed in 1990, primary source of US federal funding child care subsidies for low-income working families and funds to improve child care quality, availability, and affordability.
  • "No Child Left Behind"

    "No Child Left Behind"
    An Act passed ensuring that every student in public schools achieve important learning goals while being educated by well-prepared teachers.
  • "PreSchool for All"

    Initiatives passed in several states making preschool experience a reality for four-year-olds.
  • Headstart

    Raised teacher education requirements. At least one teacher in each classroom must hold a bachelor's degree.