Early Cold War Timeline

  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    NATO which stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created as a system of collective defence. When a member was attacked by any outside force all members would help.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlfit came after the blockade took effect. The allies supplied their sectors of berlin by air, supplying five tons of supplies.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Soviet Union Blocked railways, and canals under allied control. Western Germany, Berlin later recieved help in lifting the blockade.
  • National Security Council Report NSC-68

    National Security Council Report NSC-68
    This 58 page top secret document was given to president Harry S Truman. The document talked about how the containment policy needed to be boosted or improved.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This war was fought between North and South Korea. The war was casued by the dispute of both sides governments.
  • Chinese Civil War (between Jiang Jieshi and Mao Zedong)

    Chinese Civil War (between Jiang Jieshi and Mao Zedong)
    The Chinese Civil war was fought between two sides, The Republic of china and The Communist Party of china. The Communist party won the war.
  • President Truman fires General MacArthur

    President Truman fires General MacArthur
    General MacArthur was relieved of duties in the Korean war when he said that the chinese intervention was minimal. Tens of thousands of troops stormed the koreas'.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    Formation of the Warsaw Pact
    The warsaw pact focused much like NATO. Many worries were that germany could become a military power again and they needed to prevent this so western germany joined NATO
  • Launching of Sputnik

    Launching of Sputnik
    The First artificial earth satelite. Launcehd by soviet russia.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban missle crisi was taken by the soviets bringing missles into cuba. They stopped and returned before war began.