Early Christian & Roman : Division of Roman Empire
Diocletian understood that the vast territory of the Roman Empire was far too large to be controlled by one person. In order to resolve this problem, he divided the empire into two and assigned Maximian to rule in the West. -
Early Christian & Roman : Constantine Rises to Power
During his reign, Constantine realised that Rome was declining economically and socially and decides to move the capital from Rome to Constantinople, a city that will be a centre for trade and religion. -
Early Christian & Rome : Edict of Milan
Further expressing his support for Christianity, Constantine issues the Edict of Milan, a decree of toleration for all the religions of the empire, especially Christianity. -
Early Christian & Roman : Nicene Creed
A fervent dispute over how God created Jesus spread in the land of Constantine. With efforts to end the quarrel, Constantine summoned the Council of Nicaea and formulated the Nicene Creed which standardised the set of Christian beliefs. -
Early Christian & Roman : The Sacking of Rome
As a result of participating in combat with the barbaric Huns, the Visigoths crossed into the Empire of Rome looking for safety and ended up sacking the city of Rome. -
Byzantine : Theodosius II Establishes Constantinople as the center of Byzantine
After the sack of Rome, Theodosius decides to build a wall surrounding Constantinople for security and establishes Constantinople as the centre of the Byzantine Empire -
Early Christian : Petrine Doctrine and Papal Supremacy
The Petrine Doctrine states that Peter was given the keys to heaven and all Popes gain their power from this doctrine. The popes then rose to power and played the role of head of state for the Romans. -
Period: 457 to 511
France : Clovis and The Merovingian Dynasty
France : Reign of Clovis
During his reign adopted and accepted Christianity and unified the Frankish tribes. -
Byzantine : Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire
Justinian becomes emperor of the Byzantine Empire and revives the 12 Tables of Rome, renaming them the Corpus Juris Civilis. -
Byzantine : Hagia Sophia
Commissioned by Justinian and Theodora, the Hagia Sophia, a church with a plain exterior and magnificent interior is built. The exterior and interior of the Hagia Sophia represents the spiritual universe. -
Apr 24, 630
Islam : Muhammad conquers Mecca
Through a series of religious wars, Muhammad and the Muslims capture Mecca from the believers of polytheistic religions. -
Period: Jan 1, 661 to Dec 31, 750
Umayyad Empire
Apr 24, 661
Islam : Ali is murdered
Caliph Ali is murdered, which then creates the split between the Shia's and the Sunnis. -
Apr 24, 661
Islam : Umayyad Empire
The Umayyad Caliphate is established, and spans from present-day Afghanistan to present-day Spain -
Period: Apr 27, 661 to Apr 28, 750
Umayyad Empire
Apr 26, 686
France : Charles Martel
Charles Martel, also known as Charles the Hammer reigned through the years of 686-741 and wins the Battle of Tours on the Iberian Peninsula. -
Period: Apr 26, 686 to Apr 27, 814
The Carolingian Dynasty
Apr 24, 691
Islam : Dome of the Rock
The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic Shrine in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is believed that Prophet Muhammad rose to Heaven from the Foundation Rock. -
Apr 26, 732
France : The Battle of Tours
In 732 CE, Charles Martel won the Battle of Tours which stops the spread of Islam to the Iberian Peninsula. As a result of this battle, he is able to keep his land. -
Apr 25, 750
Islam : Baghdad is a new Capital
In 750, the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad caliphate and wanted to restore more spiritual authority to the caliphate but most importantly, they moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. -
Period: Apr 25, 750 to Apr 26, 1258
Islam : The Abbasid Empire
Apr 26, 789
France : Charlemagne and the Renaissance
During the reign of Charlemagne, an intellectual and cultural revival occurred. Charlemagne established an edict ordering that "In the villages and townships the priests shall open schools". Scholars then revived a curriculum that would flourish in schools such as Universities. -
Apr 27, 799
France : Diplomatic relations with Charlemagne and Harun Al-Rashid
Charlemagne and Harun Al Rashid (768-809) had great diplomatic relations as they both wanted create a friendly bond against their enemy, the Byzantine Empire. -
Apr 27, 813
France : Byzantine acknowledges Charlemagne
As Charlemagne rose as a leader in the West, the neighbouring emperor of Byzantine was bothered by his rise. In 813, it was decided that Charlemagne would be emepror of the Franks and the Byzantine emperor would be the emperor of the Romans.