Early Childhood Education History Timeline

  • Mar 14, 1524

    Martin Luther establishing schools

    Martin Luther establishing schools
    wrote a letter to all of the civic leaders concerning the decline of the church run schools. He proposed that by the power of god they must promote a godly society.He insisted that it would not only help the church but also the state. In having more schools it left oppurtinty for more children to be educated.
  • Mar 14, 1534

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther translated the whole bible from Hebrew and ancient Greek to German to allow people to be educated on the bible in their own language. it allowed the path way for educating many in their own native language leading them to better understand what they were learning.
  • John Locke wrote a book

    John Locke wrote a book
    John Locke wrote a book titled 'Some Thoughts Concerning Education' in his book he talked about how he believed that a good education started with early childhood education. teaching children at a young will help mold them into educated adults.
  • Johann Pestalozzi

    Johann Pestalozzi
    Johann Pestalozzi had a theory that each chidren develope in different ways. each child should have a unique exprerince. they should as be handled with love and care. A child with special needs will not learn the same way a child who does not, will.
  • Friedrich Frobel

    Friedrich Frobel
    Freidrich Frobel opened up his own kindergarten. Before he opened up the school childred under seven years old did not attend school. It was belived that children did not have the ability to focus on school activies. he changed the world of education by opening up the school
  • Erik Erikson

    Erik Erikson
    Erik Eriskon developed the eight stage chart of the life cycle that appeared in the very first edition of childhood and society. the stage chart helps teacher, doctors, and parents have an idea of when a child should hit each milestone.
  • John Comenius

    John Comenius
    John Comenius belived that education should be taught through the senses. a child will reach his or her full potential by tapping into all of their senses. using all of the senses help children learn in different ways.