Early Childhood Education History

By mkfrix3
  • John Amos Comenius

    John Amos Comenius
    John Amos Comenius was the first person to create the first picture book for children. The book was called “The World Illustrated”. He was also the first to recognize that the childhood of play was learning. He also believed that children were born with a natural desire for knowledge and goodness, and that school teaches that to them.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    He was known for believing that children learn better through hands-on experiences because their way of thinking was different from adults. He also believed in the importance of expression to produce a well-balanced, free-thinking child. He believed that everyone was independent and could do their own thing.
  • Johann Pestalozzi

    Johann Pestalozzi
    He was the person who basically created the first school to teach preschool children. He believed that every individual human being has a right to individual education. His teaching method was “simultaneous instruction” which was a group method to teach writing, reading, and arithmetic.
  • Children’s Garden started in Germany

    Children’s Garden started in Germany
    The person who found the first kindergarten in 1837 was Friedrich Froebel. Kindergarten was originally started in Germany. When he created kindergarten he had three essential things that had to happen. Which were children playing, observing, and nurturing plants in a garden for awareness of the natural world. He thought that singing and dancing were also very important for children.
  • The Nursery School for Children for Poor Women

    The Nursery School for Children for Poor Women
    One of the important facts about this school was that it was in cooperation with the Children’s Hospital of New York City. They opened up because of the woman who had to choose between destitution or leaving their children uncared for. Sometimes the women would have to leave their children with neighbors. The nurseries didn’t want these children to be locked in a room all day so they were created.
  • Margarethe Schurz

    Margarethe Schurz
    Margarethe Schurz founded the first public kindergarten in Watertown, Wisconsin. After she met Froebel she kept opening kindergartens in Germany. She also believed in songs, movement, and group activities.
  • Hull House

    Hull House
    The Hull House was a settlement for immigrants. Which also established a day nursery. The immigrants were able to eat, learn, debate, and acquire tools.
  • Maria Montesorri

    Maria Montesorri
    She was the person who opened the Children’s House in Rome. Her theory is an approach to classroom learning that is big on independence and choice. She understood that children have an interest to learn.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children

    National Association for the Education of Young Children
    The purpose of this association is to promote high-quality early learning for all young children. They did this by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. They now have over 100,000 members and 400 affiliates.
  • Head Start

    Head Start
    This started as a project to help break the cycle of poverty. It gave preschool children from families with low income a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, and educational needs.
  • Kindergarten daycare open

    Kindergarten daycare open
    This was when the first daycare was opened.
  • National Association for Family Day Care

    National Association for Family Day Care
    In 1982 the National Association for Family Day Care was established. This association was the only one to promote high-quality early childhood experiences in the unique environment of family child care programs.
  • San Francisco

    San Francisco
    San Francisco was the first large city to require developers to set aside space of funds for childcare space. They also wanted affordable child care.
  • National Academy of Early Childhood Programs

    National Academy of Early Childhood Programs
    This was founded by NAEYC for voluntary accreditation of center-based programs. This has also become the nation’s premier organization for early childhood professions.
  • Even Start

    Even Start
    This is a program that supports local family literacy projects that integrate early childhood education. They also said that teen parents and birth through age 7 are eligible.
  • Child Care and Development Grant

    Child Care and Development Grant
    This was developed to provide childcare subsidies to working families with incomes too high to receive AFDC support.
  • T.E.A.C.H

    This was for all of the handicapped children to help them learn. They started out slow when this first happened they only helped 1 in 5 handicapped children.
  • Provider Appreciation Day

    Provider Appreciation Day
    This day was when they first celebrated this. It was a way to honor the life and work of Dr. Gunn. It was for the courageous, compassionate people who provided abortion care.
  • The Stand for Children Campaign begins

    The Stand for Children Campaign begins
    This Campaign was initiated by the Children’s Defense Fund. They did this to provide funds for early childhood education, foster care, child abuse prevention programs, and many other programs involving early childhood.
  • Bill Clinton reestablished the White House Conference on Children

    Bill Clinton reestablished the White House Conference on Children
    He called a meeting to help with the brutal child labor.
  • NAEYC celebrates their 75th anniversary

    NAEYC celebrates their 75th anniversary
    They had their amazing 75th anniversary to celebrate and to show the world how much they have done for early childhood education.
  • No child left behind act

    No child left behind act
    This was a bill that was passed. This bill was for the K- 12 general education in the United States. The law held schools accountable for general education.
  • Campaign launched to avoid SIDS in Child Care Setting

    Campaign launched to avoid SIDS in Child Care Setting
    They wanted to build on the success of the Healthy Child Care America Campaign.
  • Operation Military Child Care

    Operation Military Child Care
    This was to help the parents with their children if the parent was deployed.
  • President Obama

    President Obama
    He called a congress meeting to expand access to high-quality education for young children in preschool and kindergarten.