Martin Luther King
-Transferred the Bible from Latin to vernacular in order from people to be able to read in their own language.
-Advocate establishing schools to teach children how to read.
-Universal Education
-Public support of education -
John Locke
-Said children are born as blank tablets
-Children's experiencing determine who they are
-Learning should began early
-Children learn what they are being taught -
Robert Owen
-Believed that society can shape a childs character
-Taught that education can help build a new society
-Education can counteract childrens growth
-Importance of infant programs -
Jean Piaget
It was said that children are "little scientist". The theory of cognitive development based on children's age groups became known. Also, the constructivist approaches early childhood education. -
Lev Vygotsky
He believed that communication between teachers and children is very helpful. He also figured out the use of social and cooperative learning. -
Erik Erkison
Developed psychosocial development. He also determined that the interaction between a child and parent affects their emotions and cognitive development. -
Urie Bronfenbenner
He created the five interrelated systems. Microsystem , exosystem, macrosysytem, chronosystem, and mesosystem. Now parents strive to provide postive influnes in each system. -
Howard Gardner
Theory of multiple intelligence. He stated the intelligence consisted of nine abilities.Teachers now develop curriculums to match childrens intelligendce.