Period: to
Early Childhood Education
National Defense Education Act
The National Defense Education was made to help protect children and funding for higher education. The NDE is one of the reasons why education is the standard it is. They want the children to excel at their studies and to continue to learn. I never realized how much the NDE had such an impact on my education. My sons will have to go through these standards to be succeessful in their school studies, -
Education as Equalizer
Title IX made it equal opportunity for women in sports, The equal opportunity in education act came after Civil rights act. I think that we should all have the same opportunity no matter what gender we are. Children should me able to play sports even if its a girl/women. Education has to be equal to be successful and to maintain a good environment. -
The Civil Rights Act
The civil rights act helped to protect public facilities like schools. This made a big role in the 60's because it gave the school system a sign of relief. Making the schools safe made the facailtiy run better and they could focus on education. I know that the civil rights act had a way to protect the learning for the children and to ensure a safe environment, When I send my sons to school I want to know that they are safe. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The ESEA helped low income families to educate children. Also they are known for Title 1 and provided children with free or reduce lunches. These funds that were provided extra teaching time for children. There were more than 30,000 schools that used Title 1. I think this had a big impact on early child education as time changes. -
The Economic Opportunity Act
The EOA started head start in the 1960's and I think that it was an amazing. I never realize how long head start was around and I think the EOA was smart to start children at a younger age. My oldest son would of started head start this year but the school district didnt have any openings. I think they should fund head start with more money because there are a lot of children in my community. The EOA was thinking ahead of their time to start head start in the 60's. -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
The states have to set up policies to recieve federal funds. With the government willing to help I know all the states have to take avantage of these funds. Children that are handicapp could have a easier way to get into the school. Some of the old schools dont have the tools to get a wheelchair through doors. The funding from the government should be use to benefit the children that need these modifications. -
The Individuals with disabilities Education Act
The IDEA made it easier for students that was disabled to get in and out of the class room. I think it the IDEA helping out these students make the process of learning a little bit easier. When I went to school there was a student that was in a wheel chair and they made modifications to the classrooms and bathrooms to accomendate his needs. The IDEA probably made these changes for this student to get a education like everybody else, I really do appriciate the IDEA and the work they do. -
No Child Left Behind
All 50 states have standards for schools that they want the students to be a certain level. When I was middle school I remember them changing the CSAP test to make it easier to understand. They even use federal funding to help support the schools that have higher scores. My middle school wasnt a top school and they were trying to find a way to make the test scores higher, The no child left behind was a monumental to US history.