
Early Childhood Education

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    Johann Amos Comenius

    He was one of the earliest authors to produce a text outlining a modern system of education for all children. He liked the idea of universal education and preferred nature over nurture. Believed children should learn through active means.
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    John Locke

    Children were like wax that should be molded by experience.
    Parents educated best
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    Jphn-Jacques Rousseau

    Information on John-Jacques Rousseau
    Children were innately perfect and optimal development would unfold naturally without the corrupting influence of some elements of society.
    He thought that mothers should not educate that male tutors should educate the child.
  • Johann Amos Comenius

    Johann Amos Comenius
  • John Locke

    John Locke
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    John Heinrich Pestalozzi

    Information on Pestalozzi
    He worked to meet the needs of the welfare of poor children.
    He had a holistic approach and worked directly with children.
    Was proactive with mother/parents as the first teacher.
    Frst Daycare available to working moms called "Day nurseries."
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    Robert Owen

    Fueled the British School Movement and liked the idea of schooling outside the home.
    1820's he started pushing the need for infant school in America
  • John-Jacques Rousseau

    John-Jacques Rousseau
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    Friedrich Froebel

    "Father of Kindergarten"
    Believed that play based learning was key
    The teacher was just a role model to initiate and provide an environment condusive to learning.
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    Elizabeth Palmer Peabody

    Opened the first Kindergarten in Boston in 1859.
    Created individualized instruction
  • John Heinrich Pestalozzi

    John Heinrich Pestalozzi
  • Robert Owen

    Robert Owen
  • Friedrich Froebel

    Friedrich Froebel
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    Susan Blow

    Implimented teaching and children's kindergarten programs across the US. Worked to make teachers educated to further the students and keep the movement of Kindergarten going.
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    G. Stanley Hall

    First American to recieve a doctorate in Psychology.
    Emphasized alligning educational curriculum with the stages of development.
    Refined Froebel's methods.
    Started recess for children.
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    Margaret and Rachel McMillan

    Open air nursery school
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    Caroline Pratt

    Opened playschool in NY that taught children how to think
    Intrinsic motivation
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    Patty Smith Hill

    Designed child-centered interest-based methods that intergrated from ideas from Froebel.
    Laid the foundation for NAEYC
    Universal classrooms for all types of social classes
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    Lucy Sprague Mitchell

    Founding memeber of the Bureau of Educational Experiments
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    Arnold Gesell

    Student of Hall
    Promoted parents as teachers and researchers
    Promoted naturalistic observations
  • Elizabeth Palmer Peabody

    Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
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    Jean Piaget

    Studied children's cognative development
    Stages of cognitive development
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    Lev Vygotsky

    Zone of proximal development
    Private speech
  • Susan Blow

    Susan Blow
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    Erik Erickson

    Developmental stage theory of socioemotional development
    Lifespan development theory creator
  • G. Stanley Hall

    G. Stanley Hall
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    Jerome Bruner

    Continues to build and refine ideas on how children think, process and store information and learn.
    Views self-discovery as the most important process for learning
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    Urie Bronfenbrenner

    Ecological Systems Theory
  • Margaret McMillan

    Margaret McMillan
  • Lev Vygotsky

    Lev Vygotsky
  • Patty Smith Hill

    Patty Smith Hill
  • Arnold Gesell

    Arnold Gesell
  • Caroline Pratt

    Caroline Pratt
  • Lucy Sprague Mitchell

    Lucy Sprague Mitchell
  • Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner

    Urie Bronfenbrenner
  • Jerome Bruner

    Jerome Bruner