
Early Childhood Education

  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1200

    Roman Empire Falls

    Children were not given a long childhood, expected to get into the work world to help support the family. (taught how to survive)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Jan 1, 1400


    No educational system church was in charge. children were thought needed to be punished and corrected.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Jan 1, 1500

    European Renaissance and Reformation

    Basic education for the poor and girls.
    Printing press invented which made reading a household thing, parents read stories to their children. Idea of universal eductaion and literacy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1483 to Jan 1, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Suggested many revolutionary ideas like, all towns should have schools, both genders should be educated, schools should encourage intellectual, physical, religious, emotional, and social ideaolgies.
  • Jan 1, 1500


    children began to live longer.
    Reading, writing and math become subjects taught to children. It was recognized that parents could not teach children themselves.
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    John Amos Comenius

    “To seek and find a method by which the teachers teach less and the learners learn more, by which the schools have less noise, obstinacy, and frustrated endeavor, but more leisure, pleasantness” first years of life our crucial to development
  • Colonial America

    Children were taught to read the bible by their fathers to disencourage evil behaviors.
    schools were for boys and for the rich. Mostly based upon religious beliefs.
  • Romantic and Radical

    Blank slate theory came about. Hands on learning was important parents were thought to be the best teachers and were let to develop naturally.
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    Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Education should be post poned until a child is 12, during this time they shouldn't have books and should learn from natural settings.
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    Johann Pestalozzi

    Modeled practices currently used in early care and education:
    Careful observation of children
    Recognizing the potential in each child
    Strengthening peer relations
    Sensory learning
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    Friedrich Froebel

    Created circle time for kindergarteners thought music should be incorporated to break up class time, teach concepts
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    Industrial Revoulution

    Children learn best by learning. Upper middle class went to school. Developmental milestones become important. Reading instruction should begin in second grade.
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    Sigmund Freud

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    John Dewey

    Progressive Movement ideas
    Education should be integrated with life
    Education should preserve social values
    True education occurs in social situations
    Children’s instincts and powers create starting points for education
    Active learning is essential
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    John Dewey

    Education should be integrated with life
    Education should preserve social values
    True education occurs in social situations
    Children’s instincts and powers create starting points for education
    Active learning is essential
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    Margaret McMillan

    Emphasized outdoor play
    Believed in facilitating emotional development
    Parent involvement
    Children’s art
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    Patty Smith

    Founded the National Association for Nursery Education, later renamed NAEYC and currently the largest and most influential organization for early care and education profession
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    Maria Montessori

    Helped special educations students prepare for testing
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    Lucy Sprague Mitchell

    Initiated excellent model program
    Research children and their development
    Train prospective nursery school teachers
  • Normal Education

    First normal school for teaching education.
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    Abigail Eliot

    model for Head Start programs that included:
    Child-sized equipment
    Comprehensive program, including health care
    Variety of materials (Froebel, Montessori, McMillan)
    Full-day program
    Work with parents
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    Lev Vygotsky

    concept of imaginary play
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    Jean Piaget

    child actively constructs
    Learning as a social and collaborative endeavor
    Learner-centered activities
    Cross-disciplinary activities
    Topics for inquiry driven by students’ interests
    Emphasis on understanding and application
    Authentic measures of assessment
  • Progressive and Developmental

    Play is a form of learning. Nurturing and Affection was centered around children. Because of WWI WWII nursery schools created to take care of children while moms were working.
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    Erik Erikson

    Education should be integrated with life
    Education should preserve social values
    True education occurs in social situations
    Children’s instincts and powers create starting points for education
    Active learning is essential
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    Abraham Maslow

    hierrachy of needs
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    Benjamin Bloom

    Development in the early years of a childs life is extremely important.
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    Mothers were pressured to stay home with children until they were around three. Lots of research going on about mental stimulation so moms were expected to help with mental health.
  • Maternal Care and Mental Health

    created to take care of many mental problems being discovered in children in orphaneges.
  • Launching of Sputnik

    Consensus that America needed better education to catch up with Russian scientists
    Renewed interest in preschool education
    Overemphasis on intellectual performance
  • 1960

    ideas of the 1940's and 1950's are replaced
  • Anti-Biased Curriculum

    Ground-breaking ideas about how young children can overcome bias
    Strong influence on diversity education
    published 1989
  • No Child Left Behing

    government initiated act to provide quality equal education to all children.