Early Childhood

  • Rousseau

    states that a child's mode of thinking is different than an adult and they learn though hands-on experience
  • Pestalozzi

    established the first school to teach preschool age children
  • Kindergarten

    Children's Garden (Kindergarten) started in Germany by Friedrich Froebel
  • First public kindergarten

     First public kindergarten
    First public school kindergarten started in St. Louis.
  • Head Start

    Head Start
    Head Start is funded by the Economic Opportunities Act
  • San Francisco

    San Francisco
    San Francisco becomes the first large city to require developers to set aside space of funds for child care space.

    National Academy of Early Childhood Programs is established by NAEYC for voluntary accreditation of center based programs.
  • Even Start

    Even Start
    The U.S. Department of Education establishes Even Start, a parent education/literacy
  • No Child Left Behind

     No Child Left Behind
    The No Child Left Behind Act bill is passed.
  • President Obama

    President Obama
    President Obama called on Congress to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America, called The Preschool for All initiative.