American literature

Early American Writing

  • Writing Begins

    Writing Begins
    Jamestown established, first permanent colony.
  • Shakespeare

    The tragic death of Shakespeare occurs.
  • Slaves

    The first enslaved Africans arrive in North America at Jamestown.
  • Mayflower

    The Mayflower pilgrims establish the Massachusetts Bay colony at Plymouth.
  • Atlantic Journey

    Th pilgrims traveled through the Atlantic in their hard journey to reach the New World where they would end up in Plymouth.
  • Emperor

    Indian emperor Shah Jahan begins construction of Taj Mahal that will one day be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
  • Meeting Two Worlds

    Native Americans and Europeans viewed one another in different ways. When the natives first saw thw European ship they thouhgt it was a walking land.
  • Pennsylvania

    Puritan leader William Penn leaves the Old World to the New World and founds the colony of Pennsylvania.
  • The Wonders of the Invisible World

    Cotton Marther publishes The Wonders of the Invisible World in defense of the Salem witch trials.
  • Population

    The colonial population reaches about half a million.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party marks a violent rejection of Britain's taxation policies. The Revolutionary War begins.
  • Iroquois Confederation

    The six nations of the Iroquis Confederation cede Ohio Valley territory north of the Ohio River to Britian.
  • French and Indian War Begins

    French and Indian War Begins
    France allied with the natives to drive the British out of America.
  • Freedom

    This is the time period when the colonies declared themselves free and independent.
  • Constitution

    The Constitution of the United States was approved, the United states was born.