
Early American Writing

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Coumbus sails to America

    Coumbus sails to America
    Columbus began his Voyage to China and discovered The Americas. This opened up doors to many explorers who came along after him.
  • A Clearer Picture of North America

    "A Brief and True report of the New Founded Land in North America," by Thomas Harriot, helped form a much clearer visual of North America. It talked about the area's natural resources, their way of life, and their building potential.
  • Jamestown settlement

    Jamestown settlement
    The first permanent English settlement was founded in Jamestown, Virginia. The first two people there were women, although men quickly dominated in the 17th century.
  • Slaves in Jamestown

    Twelve years after Jamestown, Virginia was established, African slaves arrived in the city on a Dutch ship. These slaves were the first to be documented as involuntary workers.
  • Puritan Beliefs

    Puritan Beliefs
    Puritans were English Protestants who were trying to purify the Church of England and go back to simpler ways of worshiping. The Puritans believes that God had chosen them to create a new order in America. "we must consider that we shall be as a City on a Hill. The eyes of all people are upon us," said John Winthrop.
  • The First Writers

    The earliest writers wrote about how the Europeans and Native Americans viewed one another in the North American land. Two of the first noted writers were William Wood ~took the first ship they saw for a walking island, the mast to be a tree, the sail white clouds"~ and William Bradford ~a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men."
  • Bay Pslam Book

    Bay Pslam Book
    Poetry was a main way of expression for a lot of people. The Bay Pslam Book was the first book issued to the North American Colonies. This book is the Bibles Pslams rewritten to fit the rhythms of Puritan hymns.
  • Published Work by a Woman

    Published Work by a Woman
    Anne Bradstreet wrote a lot of poetry primarily to express and explain the relationship bewteen people and God. Also, the expressed the womans point of view in a male dominating society. Her book of poetry, "The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America" was the first work by a woman to be published.
  • Boston Newsletter

    Boston Newsletter
    The first American newspaper, the Boston Newspaper, was eatablished. The first editor was John Cambell, a bookseller and postmaster in Boston. He had been writing about European occurrences and sending them to New England governors for a year or more and thought it would save trouble to print them for everyone.
  • Czar of Russia dies

    Czar of Russia dies
    Peter the Great, czar of Russia, died in Saint Petersburg Russia. He began having bladder and kidney problems in the latter years of his life. He had surgery to cure a large blockage in his bladder. In November of 1724 he saw several drowing soldiers and went in the icy water to save them causing greater bladder problems that some would link to his death although there is no hard evidence. Uremia struck him again and died a little while later due to that, and a gangrene infection in his bladder.
  • English Colonies along Atlantic Coast

    After the establishment of Jamestown in 1607, more were formed. By 1733, colonies stretched all along the Atlantic Coast. They soon became self reliant and ruled themselves.
  • Period: to

    The Great Awakening

    A religious revival known as the Great Awakening begins in America. Various Protestant religions supported this movement led by Jonathan Edwards and his grandfather, Soloman Stoddard
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    France allied with many Native American groups to drive the British out of North America. England brought in new military leaders and made their own alliance with the Iroquois.
  • "Give me liberty, or give me death"

    Patrick Henry said the famous quote "but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death" at the second Virginia Convention
  • America is Born

    America is Born
    Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and many more wrote the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. The Constitution was approved and the United States of America was formed.