Early American History (items labeled Jan. 1 have no specific date, just years)

  • Oct 12, 1492

    In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue (landed)

    In 1493, Columbus stole all he could see
  • Jan 1, 1517

    95 theses posted

  • Nov 18, 1518

    Cortes sets out for Cuba

  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortes leaves Cuba

    and subsequently ruins the Aztecs
  • Period: Jan 1, 1532 to Jan 1, 1572

    Conquest of Incas

  • Jan 1, 1534

    Anglican Church established in England

  • Period: Nov 17, 1558 to

    Queen Elizabeth's Reign

  • Jan 1, 1578

    Charter of 1578

  • Period: to

    Roanoke Colony

  • Spanish Armada defeated by English

  • Period: to

    King James I/VI's Reign

  • London/Virginia Company Charter created

  • Period: to

    Years of Survival at Jamestown

  • Jamestown founded

  • Separatists settle in Holland

  • Quebec founded by Samuel de Champlain

  • Period: to

    Starving Times

  • Period: to

    Last years of the London Company

  • Separatists return to England

  • First Africans brought to Jamestown

  • Puritans land in New World, establish Plymouth

  • Indian Massacre

  • Jamestown becomes a Royal Colony

  • Period: to

    Virginia is a Royal Colony

  • Massachusetts Bay Company formed

  • Boston established by Congregationalists

  • Period: to

    Great Puritan Migration

  • Roger Williams establishes Providence/Rhode Island

  • Pequot people decimated

  • Anne Hutchinson expelled from Mass. Bay

  • English Parliament recognizes Rhode Island as a colony

  • Period: to

    England had no stable government

  • Virginia slave codes

  • Connecticut established as a royal colony

  • King Charles II recognizes Rhode Island as a colony

  • New Amsterdam falls to the Duke of York

  • Period: to

    King Philip's War

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • New Hampshire becomes a royal colony

  • Pennsylvania established as a royal colony

  • New York becomes a royal colony

  • Period: to

    King William's War

  • Mass. Bay absorbs Plymouth colony

  • Maryland becomes a royal colony

  • New Jersey established as a royal colony

  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War

    War of Spanish succession
  • North and South Carolina become royal colonies

  • Georgia becomes a colony

  • Period: to

    King George's War

    War of Austrian succession
  • Siege of Louisbourg

    the first one
  • Georgia becomes a royal colony

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Albany Plan of Congress

  • Period: to

    The Siege of Louisbourg

    the second one
  • Quebec taken by colonists

    ends fighting of 7 Years War in North America
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    end of the Seven Years War
  • Pontiac's Rebellion Begins

  • Proclamation Line of 1763 established