early american history

  • 100

    Rome is founded

    Rome is founded
    without there culture, Washington D.C and many other cities wouldnt have the architecture that they do today. the large colums are inspired by roman architecture
  • Period: 100 to

    early american history

  • Aug 22, 1440

    johann gutenberg developes the printing press

    johann gutenberg developes the printing press
    the printing press was extremly important because without it, we wouldnt have been able to spread news as quick as we do.
  • Pilgrims settled in plymouth

    Pilgrims settled in plymouth
    when the pilgrims landed in plymouth, it was history in the making. they were the very first white peoples to inhabit what we now know as the U.S. without them taking the risk of moving, the rest of there country wouldnt have know what to expect when they moved there and many more people would have died.
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    the intolerable acts were a series of acts passed that forced civilians to house british soldiers and it closed the boston port untill the debt for the lost tea from the boston tea party was repaid
  • colonies declare independance

    colonies declare independance
    if the 13 colonies didnt declare there independance from britain, we would have never been our own country. we would still have to abide by britains laws and government.
  • edmund cartwright invents power loom

    edmund cartwright invents power loom
    the power loom was a revolutionary piece of machinery that aided in the production of large quantities of cotton and other fabrics. without it, many people would have to hand spin yarn and weave it into fabric
  • constitution is ratified

    constitution is ratified
    if thhe constitution was never ratified, the civilians of the U.S wouldnt have the same right they do today.
  • U.S purchases louisiana territory

    U.S purchases louisiana territory
    the louisiana territory make up over one third of our country today, with out that territory we wouldnt be nearly as powerful as we are today
  • civil war begins

    civil war begins
    if the civil war didnt happen, the U.S would still be two seperate countries and slavery would still exsist.
  • civil war ends

    civil war ends
    this is very important because this was the worst war that the U.S has ever seen and if it ended withe south being victorious, slavery would still exsist.