Period: 30,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
Natural Land Bridges Formed
Period: 28,000 BCE to 1492
Early Civilization
Period: 8000 BCE to 500 BCE
Period: 1300 BCE to 400 BCE
Olmec people
One of the first Civilizations -
Period: 300 BCE to 909
Mayan Culture Existed
Southern Mexico and Guatemala -
Period: 200 BCE to 500
Hopewell people
Constructed mound builder complexes -
Period: 100 BCE to 500 BCE
Adena People
First mound builders -
Period: 1 CE to 1300
Anasazi Civilization
Period: 500 to 700
Native American tribes
Hopi -
Period: 700 to
Mississippian Civilization
Period: 1100 to 1521
Aztecs Culture
Located in central Mexico -
Period: 1420 to 1428
Great City -
Period: 1438 to 1572
Inca Civilization
Also called "Children Of The Sun" -
Period: 1438 to 1471
He was a emperor -
Period: 1519 to 1521
Hernan cortes
Period: 1533 to 1572
Spanish Invaded Inca
Period: 1541 to
Native American Tribes
Apache -
Period: to
Native American Tribes
Iroquois -
Period: to
Native American tribes
Seminole -
Period: to
Native American tribes