• Birth

    When I was born, Pretty average i'd say. +5
  • Made Roblox Account

    Made Roblox Account
    My Brother introduced me to it +4
  • Went to vietnam

    Went to vietnam
    Went to a trip after losing a large box that had a pingpong table. +1
  • Box full of stuff got stolen

    Box full of stuff got stolen
    Was at the Airport while looking for the many boxes we brang one of them got stolen which had some misc items and a ping pong table.-4
  • Almost Drowned

    Almost Drowned
    My swimming instructor ask my whole swimming class to swim across the BIG pool on ONE pool noodle and almost drowned. -5
  • Pandemic

    Don't think this one needs explaining. -5
  • Getting some Pet Fish

    Bought Some fishes and it was pretty cool. +2