Pixel art

Pixel Art ~Aileen Villanueva

  • Computer art first started.

    Computer art first started.
  • What is Pixel Art?

    What is Pixel Art?
    Pixel art is a type of digital art where images are created at the pixel level.
  • The concept of Pixel Art

    The concept of Pixel Art
    The idea of pixel art came years before it was given a term. This can be seen in Richard Shoup's SuperPaint system.
  • Pixel Art gets popular

    Pixel Art gets popular
    Pixel art catches the eye of many digital artists. Begins to appear in video games.
  • The term 'pixel art' was published.

    The name was published by Adele Goldberg and Robert Flegal of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in 1982.
  • The fall of Pixel Art

    Although having much popularity through the 80's, pixel art begun to die off due to the increase of 3D art.