Pixel Art - Abraham Comas

  • Early years of Pixel Art

    The early years of pixel art were a a bit rough due lack of experience most developers had towards things like games in motions pixelated.
  • The 8- Bit Era

    The 8- Bit Era
    This era lead to game worlds with background details, hidden areas and attempts replicating cinematic cutscenes.
  • The 16- Bit Era

    The game creators had refined pixel art from their arcade origins and created their own game world and can hold up with the games releasing.
  • The Slow Downfall of Pixel Art

    The Slow Downfall of Pixel Art
    From this point on, pixel art didn't advance much with games refining art from previous consoles and creating a whole new style for themselves. Some companies refused to use three dimension and lost popularity due to that choice.
  • Modern Day- Present

    Modern Day- Present
    Nowadays, pixel art has been mainly towards handheld consoles and games that go for a retro style. Pixel art is still evolving having worlds that rival and pass their counterparts.