Dylan by Dylan

  • Dylan's Birth

    i dont remember anything
  • Staples to head

    Staples to head
    I broke my head ity really sucked
  • first dog

    first dog
  • Frist ride a bike

    I fell on my face I still remembetr that.
  • Parants divored

    Parants divored
    It sucked because I didnt understand what was going on.
  • first day of elementary

  • Moved to Mexico

    Moved to Mexico
  • frist time i played guitar

  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
  • First time hunting

    First time hunting
  • First Car

    First Car
  • Ment my friend Ashley

  • First Job

    First Job
  • Dylans 18th birthday

  • First Friend

    His name was Noah, and we were ibn the third grade together.