Durm Life

By durm69
  • Birth

    I was born on a sunny morning to Annmaire and George Durmer, I am the little brother to Kevin who is 6 years older than me. We lived in my grandmothers house in the side apartment in which me pops lived in his entire life. To my mother I was a miracle baby, while I was intended to be born many did not think me or my mother would make it, mom was pretty much bed ridden during those excruciating 9 months, I am forever grateful to my parents especially my mom for not giving up an letting me live.
  • Getting Glasses At Two Years Old

    Getting Glasses At Two Years Old
    This is one of my earliest memories and probably the most significant on the timeline because it literally helps me see and live my life, so yeah. At first I wouldn't wear the glasses because as my mom told me I would've rather worn an eyepatch and be a pirate but then my dad told me if I don't wear the glasses I was going to go blind and died So ever since that day I kept them on. I don't think I could ever get rid of them because they are almost like a part of me, also I look terrible without.
  • My First Surgery (Tonsillectomy)

    My First Surgery (Tonsillectomy)
    Only being four years old and having your first surgery could be pretty scary but the promises of feeling better after a month of a sore throat and endless ice cream was pretty awesome. What I never understood was how the doctors actually just took the tonsils out and just magically made me healthy again. This would spark a great interest in medicine and the medical field which is what I want to go to college for and make a career out of something with medicine.
  • Getting My First Video Game and Console

    Getting My First Video Game and Console
    Video games play a big role in my life, it was one of the only things my brother and I could bond over. This was the first game my brother gave me and I beat it close to ten times and it was where I spent most of my rainy days. This is where I saw that story telling could be in something else than a book, video games would make me many great memories and even help me connect with friends better. Jak II and the Playstation 2 would start one of my biggest hobbies in my life.
  • Seeing A Car Accident

    Seeing A Car Accident
    My dad always told me the stories of being a volunteer firefighter but I never saw until on a sunny warm day in early spring which ironically seemed like a perfect day. I heard the tones go off but this time I was in the truck with my dad and I knew he had to respond, I saw the carnage of two cars colliding and saw death itself but I also saw life in my dad as he pulled a teenager clinging on to life out of the mangled wreck and kept his heart beating, it forever inspired me to help people.
  • Playing My First Rec Football Game

    Playing My First Rec Football Game
    Last game of the 4th grade season and it was the worst weather the team had seen all year, to add on we also had no wins. I was a nervous little nine year old but I had actually had the chance to play. The season had made me realize this was the time I had to step up and not suck. I had a tackle but it was very minor and didn't make much of an impact but I still felt of a sense pride, and we won, the only win of the season. This game taught me many values and gave me all my friends I have today
  • Adopting a Rescue Dog

    Adopting a Rescue Dog
    Our first few pets we had bought and they were all great dogs but there is one that is different and that is my 5 year old doberman Lola. This dog is the forever happy nothing can go wrong pup. She is always excited to see me and knows when something is wrong somehow I think she knows she is adopted and is forever grateful. Lola filled the void that me first dog left. My first dog Jesse was with me entire life and I didn't know anyother dog until Lola.
  • The Day My Dad Got Cancer and His Surgery

    The Day My Dad Got Cancer and His Surgery
    In my family we never really had anyone have a serious health condition or have a tragedy happen to anyone but when this happened no one expected it to be my dad. Even it being a very treatable cancer it was very heartbreaking to hear my hero say I have Thyroid Cancer. When it came to surgery day I sat in school worried constantly checking up and then after nine hours of surgery my dad was in recovery, alive and breathing. Those couple of weeks taught me how to be responsible and handle myself.
  • Buying A Car

    Buying A Car
    One of my proudest moments and regrets of my life. As my birthday was a few months away I was getting ready to search for my first car and within a few days my dad found a 2000 Chevy Blazer, It was everything i wanted and i fell in love with it. So a week later I bought the truck completely on my own and I felt proud. I worked hard for something and earned every cent and earned that car. But I also realized when handling money and buying a car, don't jump the gun The car sat there I barely drove
  • Buying a SECOND Car

    Buying a SECOND Car
    My first car didn't work out to well and I wasn't happy with it. So I continued to work and when the time was right I looked for a better car. With a string of luck I sold my first car for double what I payed for and bought my second and current car, a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee. This was also bought with all my money and I felt even prouder then I did before. This taught me to work hard for whatever I wanted and don't quit until you get what you want.