Due Process Timeline

By StaceyT
  • Parent Files Due Process Complaint

    Complaint must be filed within two years of violation
  • Period: to

    Procedural Safeguards

    LEA must provide parents with a copy of Procedural Safeguards
  • Period: to


    LEA provides a response to complaint including one of the following:
    1. explaining the schools proposal
    2. description of other options and reason for rejection
    3. description of each evaluation, assessment, record and report agency used for proposal or refusal of action
    4. description of other factors relevant
  • Period: to

    Resolution Meeting

    Resolution meeting to discuss possible compromise, unless parties agree to mediation or waive resolution meeting.
  • Period: to

    Resolution Period

    Time frame given for agency and parents to come to a resolution
  • Period: to

    Due Process Hearing

    Due process hearing is held if no resolution could be determined or if resolution meeting was waived. 30 days from no resolution being met or resolution meeting was waived.
  • Period: to

    Due Process Decision

    Decision must be mailed to parent and agency within 45 calendar days from beginning of hearing timeline.