Drugs in Sport

  • Drugs Banned

    The IOC banned the use of all drugs
  • First Testing

    Small-scale testing introduced at the 1968 mexico games
  • First Full Scale Testing

    The first Olympics to include full-scale testing. This occured at the 1972 munich olympics.
  • Anobolic Steriods Banned

    Anobolic Steriods banned after a scientists dicovered tests to perform on athletes
  • Caffine and Testosterone Banned

    Caffine and Testosterone were added to the banned substances list
  • Blood Doping and EPO Banned

    Blood Doping and EPO now offically banned for athletes
  • Ben Johnson Caught

    Ben Johnson tested positve to anobolic steriods during the seoul olympics
  • WADA Formed

    World Anti-Doping Agency formed in Switzerland