Dream act 2010 status

Dream act!

  • Pass through House Of Representatvies

    After a long battle, the Dream Act bill gets accepted and passed thourhg the House!
  • Fail In Senate

    after countless atttmepts and the passing of the dream act on a federal level through the House of representative, senate destroys the dream!
  • Republicans take over

    Dreams get crushed on the federal level due to the amount of republicans being admitted into the House of Representatives and htough Obama would like to go pro immigrant, republicans will attempt to shut down those attempts
  • California Dream Act proposed, AGAIN!

    a bill that will help the undocumented youth with their ability to go to school through finanical aid is intorudced to in California, AGAIN!
  • Comming Out Week

    a week is dedicated for the undocumented youth to not only show, but tell theirs stories, put a face to immigration problems. stories are shared and rallies are help to tell the world that they are UNDOCUMENTED, UNAFRIAD AND AUNAPOLIGETIC!
  • Maryland Dream Act Passes In State Senate

    Students in Maryland, reguardless of their status will now be able to pay in state tuition and level the playing field in education!
  • California Dream Act!

    State Committee Passes New Version of DREAM Act in california after the countless vetoes that former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has done in the past,
  • NY DREAM ACT introduced (s4179)

    after the failure of the federal version, NY takes it into their own hand to help the undocumented youth through the state.