Produced By Newline Cinema
Close up of messy bed
Distributed By Touchstone Pictures
Close up of floor
Extreme close up of shoe on floor
Directed By Judy Ibelgauptiene
Close up of desk
Mid shot of Katherine
Extreme close up of Katherine painting her nails
Costumes By Leticia Silva
Mid shot of Katherine
Mid shot of door - 15 secs
Mid shot and pan of Katherine walking towards stereo
Music By Katia Martins
Close up of Katherine's finger pressing button on stereo
Long shot of Katherine going to sit down
Mid shot of Katherine sitting down - 20 secs
Over the shoulder shot of Katherine looking for lipstick
Edit By Noor Naoum
Extreme close up of Katherine's lips
Over the shoulder shot of Katherine
Mid shot of Katherine from the front
Mid shot of Katherine tying up her hair - 30 secs
Katia Martins
Mid shot of Katherine tying up her hair from a different angle
Long shot of Katherine getting up to get her clothes
Close up shot of Katherines feet putting underwear on
Judy Ibelgauptiene
Close up of Katherine clipping her bra
Close up of Katherine zipping up and buttoning her trousers
Close up of Katherine's side, putting on her top - 45 secs
Long shot of Katherine opening mirror
Leticia Silva
Mid shot of Katherine looking in mirror
Long shot of Katherine looking in mirror
Close up of Katherine opening door - 60 secs
Close up on Katherine's feet going down the stairs
Close up of Katherine putting shoes on - 70 secs
Mid shot of Katherine walking towards door
Close up of Katherine picking up bag
Long shot of Katherine closing door
Long shot of Katherine walking
Close up of Katherine's feet
Long shot of Katherine - 85 secs
Long shot of Katherine
Mid shot of Katherine
Katherine's POV - 100 secs
Mid shot of Katherine
Long shot of Kate
Long shot of Katherine
Mid shot of Kate
Mid shot of Katherine - 110 secs
Close up of Kate
Close up of Katherine
Long shot of Kate - 120 secs
Mid shot of Katherine
6 Different mid shots of Katherine waiting for bus
Long shot of Katherine walking - 135 secs
mid shot of Katherine and stranger
Mid shot of Katherine
Katherine's POV
Over the shoulder shot from Katherine of Stranger - 145 secs
Long shot of Katherine running
Long shot of Katherine alone
long shot of Katherine walking onto grass - 150 secs
Mid shot of Katherine turning around
Katherine's POV
Mid shot of Katherine turning around
Katherine's POV
Mid shot of Katherine turning around
Katherine's POV - 170 secs
360 spin around Katherine
Extreme close up of Katherine closing her eyes
Extreme close up of Katherine's eyes opening
Close up of Kate's face