Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK delivers his first sermon
Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his first sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. -
Martin graduated from Morehouse College
Martin married Coretta Scott.
MLK led the Montgomery bus boycott
Martin led the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 and in 1956. This happened because in 1955, a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama when the bus driver demanded that she gave up her seat in the "colored" section to allow a white person to have a seat. -
Became the head of the civil rights group SCLC
The name of the civil rights group Martin led was the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). -
Martin gets arrested!
The police stopped Martin in his car, they gave him a ticket for driving in Georgia with a Alabama license. Martin was sent to jail with chains. -
MLK joins the sit ins
Martin took part in the sit ins and was arrested at a lunch counter in a department store ih Atlanta, GA. He was put in the Fulton Couty Jail. -
MLK spoke at a Freedom Riders meeting
A group of students got on two buses in Washington, D.C. They were traveling to the South. At some of the rest stops they sat in the "whites only" waiting rooms. They staged peaceful protests.Their buses were bombed and some of the students were attacked and put in jail. They held a meeting in a church and MLK came to speak. -
MLK delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech
Leads a boycott of white owned bisinesses in Birmingham, Alabama. Martin also delivers his "I Have a Dream " speech. -
MLK was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Martin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This award is given almost every year to the person or group who has done something important in the cause of world peace. -
MLK led a march from Selma to Montgomerry
Martin led a group of over 1500 people from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama demanding voting rights for black americans. -
MLK Jr's. death
Martin was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.