Roman Empire Begins 31BC
The Roman Empire began when Augustus Caesar became the first emperor of Rome, lavishing praise and power on him because he had destroyed Rome's enemies and brought much needed stability. -
New emporer
Trajan ( current emperor ) Dies and Hadrian becomes new emperor. -
Hadrian wall bult
The Hadrian Wall was built . It was a long wall built across northern England in an effort to keep the barbarians out. -
Great fire of rome 64 AD
former Emperor,Nero, set fire to Rome. Nero did not like the aesthetics of the city and used the devastation of the fire in order to change much of it and institute new building codes throughout the city. Nero also used the fire to clamp down on the growing influence of Christians in Rome. He arrested, tortured and executed hundreds of Christians on the pretext that they had something to do with the fire. -
Constantine becomes Emperor in 306 AD
Constantine was the first christian ruler. After him, Rome becomes a Christian empire. Before this, Rome persecuted the Christians. Constantius dies. His son Constantine is the new vice-emperor of Galerius. -
Rome becomes a Christian empire. Before this, Rome persecuted the Christians. By approving Christianity, the Roman state directly undermined its religious traditions. Finally, by this time, Romans considered their emperor a god. But the Christian belief in one god — who was not the emperor — weakened the authority and credibility of the emperor. -
Rome Splits
Rome split into two empires - the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. Each side had a ruler in charge of it. The Roman Empire was split by Theodosius. -
Visigoths sack Rome
This was the first time in 800 years that the city of Rome has fallen to an enemy. It was a huge uproar. -
End of the Western Roman Empire and the fall of Ancient Rome
The last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus is defeated by the German Goth Odoacer. This is the start of the Dark Ages in Europe. -
Jan 1, 1014
Augustus dies 14 AD
He fell ill on the way to Capri and, after four days resting on Capri, when they crossed back to the mainland Augustus at last passed away. He died at Nola on 19 August AD 14, only one month away of his 76th birthday. The body was taken to Rome and given a stately funeral and his ashes were then placed in his Mausoleum. -
Feb 12, 1080
Colosseum is built 80 AD
The Colosseum was built. The completion of the Colosseum was celebrated with 100 days of games. The Romans invade Scotland.