
Downfall of Roman Empire

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    Political Corruption

    Political Corruption
    The Roman army strangled the emperor, therefore beginning the sale of the throne to the highest bidder.
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    Disasters and Death

    Disasters and Death
    Plagues, fires, and persecutions kill many in Rome.
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    Eastern and Western Roman Empire

    Eastern and Western Roman Empire
    Rome is split into two, causing only the west to be ruled by Rome and the east to be ruled by Constantinople.
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    Civil War

    Civil War
    Roman soldiers were sent to fight in the civil war in Italy, leaving the Roman border open to attack. Roman land was slowly overtaken.
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    Roman Emperor Constanine declared tolerance to Christianity. Emperors were no longer seen as gods, weakening their authority.
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    Paganism officially falls after multiple attempts of revive.
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    Defeat of Valens

    Defeat of Valens
    Eastern Roman Emperor Valens is defeated by the Visigoths.
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    Visigoths reach Rome and sacked the captial of the Roman Empire
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    Last Attack

    Last Attack
    Germanic leader Odoacer staged a revolt and deposed the emperor Romulous Augustulus. No one would ever again rule from a post in Italy.
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    Vandals attack North Africa, cutting off the Roman's grain supply.