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Donna Haraway

  • Born

    Donna Haraway was born September 6, 1944 in Denver, Colorado.
    (Happy 76th Birthday Donna!)
  • Life

    Donna trained as a scientist before moving towards the philosophy of science. She wanted to investigate beliefs on gender in shaping the production of knowledge about nature.
  • Education & Work in Educaiton

    Donna received her PhD in biology from Yale and began her career in teaching all the way in Honolulu, at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. She later moved to John Hopkins and then joined the "History of Consciousness Board at UC Santa Cruz"
    (Festspiele, 2017)
  • Period: to

    Life's Work

    Most of Haraway's work started in the 1980's and has continued on since. Her work in feminism, science, philosophy of science, biology, and so on, has sparked much debate within those respective fields of work. Her writing on the Cyborg Manifesto gave us a new way of looking at, and understanding humans and how we process and release information and "truths"
  • The Cyborg Manifesto

    The Cyborg Manifesto
    With the full original title being, 'A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century', The Cyborg Manifesto, Donna wanted to "build an ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism"(Cox, 2018). It goes into how cybernetics and digitization changed what it meant to be a person (male, female, etc.).
  • The Cyborg Manifesto (cont.)

    According to Haraway, a cyborg is, "a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction" (Haraway, 1985), and states that contemporary science fiction as well as modern medicine is filled with cyborgs, and that, "by the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs". It gives us a condensed image of imagination and reality
  • Situated Knowledges

    Situated Knowledges
    Haraway's essay, "Situated Knowledges" made concerns with how truth is made, and that "particular people make truth". Donna argued that the perception of situations are perceived through other perceptions and/or other outside entities (geography, history, etc.) and continues to be reconstructed with current conditions.
  • Science Wars

    Science Wars
    The "Situated Manifesto" became more of an issue during the 1990's, during the time of the "science wars". There were many debates between "scientific realists" and "post modernists" over controversies in biases and objectivity in academia
  • J.D. Bernal Award

    J.D. Bernal Award
    Donna Haraway was awarded the highest honor by the Society for Social Studies of Science for the lifetime contributions she has made in the field.